Sneakiest secrets

Yesterday I was doing the splinter group mission in bloodshot stronghold , and on the way back through just after the whirlpool area my son found a secret bandit hideout.

Its in a small gap you can get to by jumping on a pipe , just before the turret room(coming through backwards)

Theres not much in there, but in countless hours playing its yet another little thing ive missed.

I was wondering whats the sneakiest easter eggs or hidden gems others have found.


Is that the part with the switch in for the electrical fenced off chest?

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No , if your going through the normal way its before that.

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Found it. It’s definitely the smallest hideout I’ve seen on Pandora, even smaller than those shipping crates with toilets in them just before Captain Flint.
Looking straight at the entrance:

The New-U to the right and the radio just above my gun’s barrel are included as points of reference. The turret room is just a few meters ahead of me, the whirlpool is behind me (i.e. I’m looking back the way you normally come from). Jump on the pipe in my crosshairs to look inside:
On another note, getting these screenshots wasn’t easy. The first attempt crashed the X server, so I had to restart. On the second attempt I started Steam and BL2 without anything else running, and my little laptop managed to run BL2 … sort of. 12-15 fps (or maybe even less, the Steam overlay’s frame counter was disabled) makes hitting bandits hard, especially when they do their dodge moves. If this wasn’t a TVHM character in Normal Mode, I would have been soo dead. Looks like BL2 is quite the torture for this device. :innocent:


One of the many things I love about this game. I’ve been playing on and off for a few years and I always find something I either never noticed, or never been too. There are still a lot of missions I haven’t seen yet (mostly dlc missions).

Yep, never a dull moment on Pandora!

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I recall if you search for “Moxxi’s secret areas” on youtube, you’ll find a guy showing you all of these spots on Pandora.


Thats the place. Thanks for putting the pics up.

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Damn, nice find!

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I had forgotten about that place. I stumbled in there once a couple of years ago. Cool find.

There’s an electrical grid that you can shut down that I’ve seen in a video but try as I might I can’t figure out where the heck that particular electrical fence is… Not that I’ve tried too hard to find it but I’ve been hunting for it a couple of times in the past. One day I’ll figure out where it is.

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What map is this in? Curious now! :slight_smile:

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I don’t know…

I can dig the video for you with a timestamp in a moment though.

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Go for it! Visual riddle style! :smiley:

(just had an awesome idea for a thread…!)

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I could obviously go to each of the maps that have similar environments and stare at the map to find out exactly that is but so far I’ve only tried to look for it through random mobbing. I wouldn’t mind someone telling me where it is, mind you. That’s probably the only fence I have no idea at all where to look for.


That one’s in the Eridium Blight. It’s on the right of the highway - I think maybe a bit underneath it? - as you drive straight down from the Fast Travel and past the gate that slides open / spawns bots (the breaker to kill the fence is on the tower of that gate). Once you go past the electric fence you drop down into Infested Grotto, it’s a bullymong lair. If you haven’t been there before it’ll be greyed out on the map.

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WTF, how did I not recognize it?! This is the 3rd time I watch the vid because of that gate and I’ve been there on everyone of my characters to unlock the map… Damn I feel stupid now.


That little place might be my favorite spot on that entire map: a small-ish mob, but in a confined area with two Ultimate Badasses at the end. Fun fights in there!

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That place held up my world traveller achievement on 360.
I spent hours checking every area until I finally found it.