I spent the whole day running digistruct peak and I if one missile from that robot shoot me I instantly die…Is there a way to make a save before that so there is no need to fight over and over all the other guys again…
Get a better shield? I’m pretty sure WTFOMG didn’t one shot me when I was making the runs.
It’s probably a disorder of some sort.
OMG can’t one shot you, because of the healthgate mechanic. With a Bee, it would take 2 hits, which can come very close together from rockets. I don’t recommend BeeHawking him with anyone other than a Double Up + Gemini Axton. A stout shield makes it take 3-4 hits, iirc.
I don’t get the trouble with this boss. I just use a Bee and whatever gun du jour. I’ve died only once because I got lazy. It’s those damn Scorches that I have so much trouble with…
Edit : just in case that came off as arrogant, let it be known that I hold the record for Peak deaths - my own death of course. Just not with OMG
This is the build I had the most success I have tried many more but this works great with my sandhawk and bee shield
As for tactics I run around the building and kite him thats how I killed him on op7 but now I am not able to do that because I keep dying from one rocket.Is there a trick or somewhere to hide and kill him slowly like the saturn 2?
Is using a Bee some sort of rule you set for yourself?
I’d suggest switching the points in Flicker and Foresight- a larger mag size means less reloading, which could help. Also, the Sand Hawk- while a great weapon with the Bee- does have slow projectiles, even accounting for Accelerate. If your having trouble with that combo try another weapon- a DPUH with Sheriff’s Badge, corrosive Lady Fists, Pimpernel, Hail, Kitten-try any or all of them to see if they help…
No I dont have problem with SandHawk I use it like a sniper and slaughter everything in one burst.Nothing comes close to it in Dps literally nothing…
NO dps otherwise,he has too much hp…I got a purple adaptive and a turtle as well.
Not really…Sandhawk already has huge mag and decent reload speed also I dont need many shots to kill things so I don’t reload in battle.I have tested it.It is a waste of points for me at least in Digistruct peak.
May I ask you one more thing?Is it worth farming the Bee with shock immunity for those annoying surveyors?I dont understand how immunity works tbh…Thanks for being all so helpful it means a lot to me…
If you’re getting swarmed by surveyors try a The Transformer shield- it’s always grounded and its gimmick is that shock attacks restore it, although the damage from any superbadass surveyor will still eat thru it. It’s a lot easier to come across than a Grounded Bee…
Thanks so much!Helpful as always…
Foresight is a key DPS skill for Maya whereas Flicker is optional.