So Nisha is the only character who’s chronicler COM is actually fairly badass. +4 to; tombstone, trickshot, high noon, faster n’ you, & no one cares about the other one…
I actually have playing with this build a bit now. After much experimentation and deaths, and so on, I have arrived at this, my “final form”. The build is now much more comprehensive and allows the switching of the chronicler / celestial coms freely. The chronicler COM is actually a better choice than the celestial COM for most of the game. It just TEARS through anything the game puts in front of me & I don’t even have to aim (most of the time). Think Mechromancer, only with MORE ricochets and no accuracy loss. The only time you should need to switch to the celestial com is if you are fighting the raid sentinel, or doing the badass round in the holodome.
So, the Build.
Yes it did change, less L&O in favor of good old fashioned glass cannon power. After all, the best defense is an offense that didn’t even give the enemy a chance to shoot at you. #Hanshotfirst
Highlighted skills;
Trick shot, Makes the game easy mode. Now you don’t have to aim even when not in showdown.
Tombstone, Critical hits… critical hits EVERYWHERE!!!
Faster n’ U, faster weapon handling speeds means all the carnage happens even more quicklier!
High noon, If anything does miraculously survive long enough for this skill to be a factor, then they are a worthy adversary indeed. A soon to be very dead adversary I might add.
Draw backs; One would think that survivability takes a huge hit. With only half the health regen than if a celestial COM is used. And no damage from showdown being converted to health. And you would be 100% right. However you are going to be killing things so fast and from so far away or behind cover, that it doesn’t really matter. That is until you try out the sentinel or the badass round of the holodome. For these two circumstances I suggest switching to the celestial com. I died many times & lost much money trying to do that badass round, but alas if you cant keep your kill skills active then badasses are extremely tough to down. Then add the fact that they’re all badasses…
The weapons… Use whatever you like really, just make sure that you are using AT LEAST one cryo gun. The COM boosts freeze chance & cryo damage, so make sure that you are taking full advantage of it. I would go as far as having 3 cryo weapons and one flakker. Because, REASONS! chief among them being the fact that frozen enemies love to crumble and fall apart at just the sight of it.
My suggestions would include; Maliwan blasters, trick shot Maggie, T4S-R pistols, Docs Coach gun (and/or) Striker, Skullmasher, Torrent, Bullpups are also really good if you have an elemental one. Basically any gun that has multiple pellets and / or good damage & ROF. More pellets = more chance to ricochet.
Also of note, it seems like guns that have a built in ricochet, like the trick shot Jacobs pistols or cat o’ nine tails laser, have a chance to ricochet twice. once for the weapon attribute and then once for the trick shot skill. (I only really took notice of this with the cat o nine tails & IDK if that is just a weapon attribute or what. Any Input / confirmation would be appreciated.) BTW, don’t try to use a cat o nine tails. It doth SUCK!
Important!!! It seems that the Thorny Ol’ Rosie shoots lasers that can NOT ricochet, rendering trick shot ineffective. I wouldn’t use them unless you’re going to farm the sentinel. Use Maliwan blasters instead, they eat less ammo anyway.
The nade, Quasar. Nuf said.
The COM, Chronicler of Elpis… duh
The Oz kit, I like Eddie but use whatever you like. Especially if it happens to be a precision oz kit. Just jump around a lot to increase the damage of those critical hits that are flooding your screen with purple confetti.
Tactics; Go into battles with one bullet missing from your mag. that way you can reload right before the action kicks off and activate Quick Shot. Then just get 1 measly kill to activate tombstone. After that just turn in the general direction of the enemies you want to kill & look slightly down or at a wall & pull the trigger until they are not but dust. (You can actually try and aim, just don’t aim down the sights as that negates the bonuses from quick shot.
Ultimate Badass enemies & the like may actually require you to activate showdown. Rabid stalkers on the other hand, are no problem at all because like most enemies, If they don’t die almost immediately, they freeze and are unable to move until they die.
I did actually go into FFYL once. The only enemy left alive dove behind cover (dick)**. But trick shot allows you to shoot around corners via ricochet bullets, so no problem. Just don’t ever give up, and “Keep firing ■■■■■■■■!”
A video of the mobbing prowess of this build
And how the celestial can be used for raiding
**why would this forums censor bot decide to censor a word that is used frequently in the game??
It’s supposed to spell out a 4 letter word for penis, but now its just 4 blocks. Seriously! GBX, pls nerf Censor bot!