Borderlands 2 Loot Storage Extra

I have a suggestion for an update.
I currently have 3 side-charakters reserved only for storing loot that I got on my main accounts. On of them is completely full (biggest upgrades for Bagpack and Safe) with legendary loot and I still have 15 pieces stored else-where.
Another is almost full with E-Tech guns. the third is for other funny weapons like the MOXXI-Guns or the Morningstar.

The point is. Borderlands 2 has so many amazing weapons to collect that I want a special chamber for storage with unlimited space and easy access.
Not the 4-Pieces at the time bullsh*t at claptraps Place.
Make it a Sidequesat to finde it. Make the User Pay the 500 Eridium he can collect to unlock it. Whatever.

Borderlands 2 has 17 Gajillion Guns to find. I love it for that.

Greetings and stay Awesome.


Already mentioned a few times in the ā€œDesires for Borderlands 3ā€ thread, as well as MANY MANY other threads scattered around the forums.


Iā€™m about to start my 37th different mule on my main account- not quite the same thing but stillā€¦:sunglasses:


Daaaym. You got lots of stuff!

I wish have a purge server where we drop everything we donā€™t NEED and let people take what they want.

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Not sure exactly how many I have. (Call me lazy) but i recently hit the characters cap on PS3. Call me old school collector for that one! Something over 30 for sure.


I have no mules and I have enough bank/backpack space to hold the equipment I need for multiple builds on all my characters. Thereā€™s no actual need for mules or extra storage space. People just want unlimited space because they canā€™t let go of stuff or obsessively collect items/weapons and that just isnā€™t the point of the game. Just stop to think about itā€¦ How much of that stuff do you actually use? Either that or they feel itā€™s necessary to keep an inventory of ready-to-go multiple level stuff for when theyā€™re leveling new characters, which Iā€™d also argue isnā€™t necessary at all. I wanna make clear that I have no problem with players collecting stuff and creating mules to keep all of it - you can play the game however you like - but people need to stop arguing that the limited storage space is some inherent design flaw that needs to be fixed. It really isnā€™t.



However Muling is such a long standing tradition in these games I kinda with Gearbox would make an optional near infinite cache.

I am a compulsive hoarder. I might want to try out something so Iā€™ll pull it off a mule, or I may want to randomly give stuff out.


Guilty as charged :grin: I have had various collections over the years of different things- comic books, paperback books, video games & systems, tabletop RPG stuff, collectable cards- once I have an interest in something Iā€™ll occasionally go overboard with it. Besides,a The Killer com that has +6 Headshot, +5 OSOK isnā€™t with 39% crit bonus isnā€™t quite the same as a Professional Kill with +6 Ambush, +5 OSOK and a 42% crit bonus- I have to have them both to see which I like better although I have to say I am getting better at just leaving stuff on the ground- unless itā€™s orange or some shade of pinkā€¦