I like Chere-amie in multiplayer. It’s fun. Comparing it to Pimpernel in functionality though… The Pimpernel, even if it’s slag and not a matching element does a ton of damage on a proper shot. Hitting with the child bomblets is also multiplying your slag change to the point it’s basically guaranteed (+ you can slag surrounding enemies too with those).
& 3. Bullet speed (velocity) makes the bomblets jump way higher. I haven’t used velocity with a Pimpernel in years but I guess you can try 1 or 2 points, I wouldn’t suggest that though. Lyuda actually is affected by bullet speed, BTW. It chances the range at which the bullet splits into 3.
In UVHM and with Pimp I always try for the max efficiency with the bomblets. Not applicable for every enemy in every situation of course.