(Guajiro Pandoreño)
For a gun-based Zer0, Execute is great for the knockback. Specifically, when you hit them, they’ll spin to face you no matter their original orientation, land with their head down (if they’re humanoid anyway - great for crits), and be stunned for a moment (so you have time to get a bead on their briefly immobile crit spot).
Also, to get there, use Killing Bl0w and your favorite second-tier skill (I’m okay with both, but you’ll probably be advised to get Grim). If you find an enemy with a sliver of health, Killing Bl0w hits hard with Execute.
If nothing else, as long as you’re in Decepti0n and there’s a target in your crosshairs, you can do the Execute dash. If the target is too far away, you can repeatedly dash towards them… you’ll just stop at the maximum distance and can then repeat. This is handy for getting somewhere fast, but even better, if you can keep a Buzzard in your sights, repeated Executions can literally make you fly (when you aim up at the Buzzard, Zer0 will dash into the air). Killing a Buzzard out of the air after chaining a few Executions to get there is incredibly satisfying. Even if you don’t kill it - super fun.
^that. I use it all the time on every build.