E-tech location needed

does anyone know where E-tech hotspots are and if any are worth farming for level 42 E-techs
if you do plz could you tell me

There are no “hotspots” as such, other than areas with a lot of Badass-SuperBA-UltimateSBA enemies and/or red chests. Check out this thread (and links therein) for some good suggestions on routes, especially the 6th post:

As to if it’s worth it: probably not worth prolonged farming. A good plasma caster is nice to have, especially a shock one, but not essential for TVHM. I usually just take whatever comes my way and, if something nice drops for me, eventually pass it down to a lower character or give it away.

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Golden chest.


E techs aren’t the most exciting bag. Plasma Casters and Topneeas are great though. The snowman chests tend to drop a lot of e-techs I’ve found, though you’ll have to sift through a lot of darts, railers, etc.

The treasure vault in Captain Scarlet DLC.

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The loot train seems to be the most reliable source for me