Hey all…my son and I are currently running OP 4, slowly working out way up to 8. Wondering if there are any viable 2 turret builds? I don’t have much for gear yet, have a caustic infinity pistol, as well as an intense UH…but that’s about it. Oh, also have the legendary soldier class mod. Would like to try and find a decent 2 turret build that will be ok to use on OP 8,if we sever make it there, lol. Thanks in advance!
(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
Double-Up plus Gemini is a pretty common go-to build. Here’s a good reference:
More build suggestions here:
(Wh-?! A mask?! This is tooootally my face! I... uh... )
I’ve been off the board for a few days, so I apologize for the late reply, but…
I went solo to OP8 using Double Up + Gemini, mostly BeeHawking, using the same build this video shows. No BeeHawk, no Moxxi, no FFYL, no Norfleet in this clip. It’s Double Up + Gemini Axton vs the 4x Assassin spawn:
Same basic build with a Bee here, against the same spawn, to show how easily a shield swap takes it from tanky to offensively oriented:
Many more clips of this in the Axton Peak strategy thread.