I have Two Fang specced at 5/5 with a Professional Mod…
It seems to “break” my firing rates on my faster weps…very off putting…breaks in the fire rate then steady.
What is the “break point” for Two Fang and weapon fire rates?? And framerate is NOT an issue on my PC as I have an overclocked and water cooled Intel Broadwell with an Nvidia 1070 and 32 GB of RAM
I’m sure you guys know some general rules of thumb with it that I’m ignoring.
I wouldn’t go with Two-fang unless you’re using a slow firing weapon or a Jakobs, John. Basically anything with a double digit fire rate wouldn’t benefit from Two-fang. Others might have more insight, but that’s my advice.
This is obviously my personal opinion and not a very popular one, but… I really dislike Two-Fang. Breaks up my rhythm and throws off my aim. I’d only take it if you’re using small magazine, slow firing shotguns/pistols almost exclusively and tend to stay in medium to close range. That’s where Two-Fang shines, in my opinion. I think it’s really, really bad for sniper rifles and any type of higher fire rate weapons. Actually, my Zer0 is Jakobs exclusive and I don’t use it. It doesn’t fit my personal style, I never felt like I needed it and I really don’t miss it.
Regarding that link… note that they’re testing on an XBOX, which I’m led to believe has an issue with fire rate caps due to how the hardware handles (limits) the frame rate. If you have a PC that can run the game at a high frame rate without issue (no matter the combat business happening on screen), I don’t think it’ll be a problem? My other Assassin uses Vladof gear, so I’ll do some testing here in a bit.
What’s the preferred method for calculating actual fire rate? I can go frame-by-frame through recorded video, but that seems primitive.
edit - with my new G-Sync monitor, I won’t see framerates higher than 165 (which is the max refresh rate of this thing). I could turn it off, but 165 should be plenty to handle high fire rates? I need an on-screen clock that gets recorded with my video to time things accurately.
What I think players may be noticing is the slowdown in fire rate when Tw0 Fang doesn’t proc? It seems more inconsistent because Tw0 Fang is injecting little bursts, but if you watch your ammo pool, you should notice it draining faster. What’s an example of a weapon that suffers from Tw0 Fang, rather than fires faster?
Also… how do fire rate buffs from BAR, Relics, and COMs interact with each other when calculating the fire rate?
You raise a good point…PC has far greater frame rate.
And this subject comes up all the time. Last it was TPS and I forget the guy but he claimed that it did not really matter PC or XBOX or PS3…there were certain caps that applied to all platforms and I think his claim was the PC can do 15 and under but NOT higher than 15 until your FR will breach 30. (Cant remember for sure)
He was using some kind of frame rate limitation formula but again I can’t remember…
I said that did not seem right as I had guns that with FR Boosts and my BAR were putting out over 20 bullets a second. and the reason I knew this was my Ammo count would drop over 20 rounds in one second.
I honestly don’t think there is a definitive answer…Maybe @Chuck80 knows.