Zer0 damage formulas?

I’ve seen them around here before but I can’t find them anymore. Can anyone post the damage formulas for Zer0’s gun and melee damages? I’m thinking of trying a weird hybrid build and I’d like to know how much my damage is going to fall off for each of them. Also, they are just kind of nice to have around for reference. Thanks.

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Found this

From this


Thanks, I don’t know why I didn’t think about looking in there. Anyone know the formula for gun damage?

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I think MoLMF did a Youtube vid for both gun and melee damage calculations…

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ambush and death mark are multiplicative, the rest regular gun/crit bonus



[ card damage * ambush * DM * ( one shot + rising shot + fearless + velocity + be like water + followthrough + like the wind + critical ascension + relic + deception + innervate ) ] * [ crit * ( headshot + killer + velocity + kill confirmed + critical ascension + relic ) ]

Is that right? Relic is also additive (leg sniper)?

Or in short

[card damage * ambush * deathmark * (other gun damage bonuses added together)] * [crit * (crit bonuses added together)]

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I haven’t played this game in years (and several patches), so someone theorycrafting recently should double check, but from what I remember:

gun damage = (card damage * (1 + sum gun damage buffs)) + amp
crit = 2 * (1 + sum typeA and crit buffs) * (1 + “B/jakobs” crit) / (1 + “C/assault rifle” crit)
splash = (1 + splash%) * (1 + sum grenade damage buffs)
impact damage = gun damage * (crit + splash)
elemental = elemental matching factor * (1 + sum elem buffs)
final damage = impact damage * elemental * ambush * dm * slag

yes, relic is additive. basically anything that says “gun damage” is additive, the wording is different on db/ambush, “damage to target” or something like that


Wow, I was going to try a Sniper build with melee in it and I was wondering if I could use these formulas for deciding what changes to make here and there to see how the damage holds up. And just now I stumbled upon this:

Made by you!

There’s a slight difference to what I’m making (because of buffed Unf0reseen) but the core is exactly the same. So 8/5 Backstab will be enough to one shot stuff like Assassins with Rapier + debuffs? God, I should use that stickied topic more.

So the thing I’m gunning for apparently works. Great news.

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Yes, assassins, black queens, doc mercys, poof