Caravan in The Dust Bug?

It seems that no matter what whenever I enter the Dust and go back behind Ellie’s things are refusing to spawn. Gettle, Mobley, and the Black Queen excluded.

I will travel all the way to the end point with only a few meager enemies to fight off at the beginning of the route. But all along the way I get nothing. And every time this happens I notice that the caravan has announced its arrival and is on the map. And sometimes at the end it will suddenly spawn every spiderant known right there on top of me, including human enemies too.

What sort of evil is this?

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Odd. Don’t think I’ve ever seen that myself, although I remember a prior discussion about lack of spawns in The Dust. (The general conclusion was that it’s broke as heck.)

Does this happen regardless of which way you enter (FT, from Three Horns, from Highlands, …)? What platform do you play on?

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Yes, no matter where I enter from. I’m on PS3. The previous discussion about lack of spawning I learned was caused by too many enemies already spawned. So I fixed that by eliminating a few out front before heading around back.

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