Borderlands 3 loot chance

Borderands2 is a great game is the pre-sequel but in Borderlands 2 I felt like the drop rate for legendarys were still very low and I would like to see a higher drop rate for legendarys in Borderlands 3

Current drop rate post-patch in BL2 seems like it’s hit the sweet spot for the developers (and I’m not complaining either!) so I suspect BL3 will be close to BL2 in that regard. Major difference at the moment between BL2 and TPS is better odds of higher rarity items in the vendors, which would be good to have in BL3 (and in BL2!)


The return of vendor usefulness (like BL1) in TPS was welcomed. I agree that it would be nice to have that in BL3 too.

That was one of the first things I noticed (well, after putting in enough time to realize) about BL2 coming from BL1… “man, these vendors suck!”

I once got a double legendary spawn in a BL1 gun vendor… one was the item of the day and there was another at the top in the standard list of offerings. :slight_smile: In BL2 I’ve had a legendary show up just once in a vendor (Legendary Psycho com in a Zed machine.)

I really wish they would tweak that in BL2… you know, make cash something actually worth something in case that sweet piece of gear shows up. In TPS and BL1 I hang on to all the cash I can get while leveling up in case of nice vendor finds.

The current drop rate for legendaries is just right for me. It took a lot of testing and gathering of player feedback to arrive at it and I’m completely satisfied with it. Not too hard, not too easy. As it should be. I agree that if there’s a number that needs looking into is the chance of higher rarity items in vendors.

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Drop rates for legendaries is a veeery fine line. If the rate is too high, then what’s the big deal. If it’s too low… People complain.

One of the major reasons that people still play this game after more than four years is the fact that they still haven’t managed to get everything. Once that happens, the game becomes a bit dull. What’s the point? You already have everything! I’d rather have a very low drop rate over a high one. The increased drop rates in TPS is one of the major reasons why I lost interest in that game so fast. The option to get the legendaries through the grinder only made it worse. It’s actually one of the dumbest features in gaming history, in my opinion. Why bother with bosses when you can grind it? And why even bother playing the game when… :scream:

There’s a reason they’re called “legendary”. Everyone knows about them, but few have actually seen them. That’s how it should be.

That’s not the reason why I’m still playing. Admittedly, I most definitely don’t have every legendary the game has to offer. But I’m not that sort of completionist. I keep playing because I enjoy the dynamic of growing a new character through the modes, trying new routes through their skill tree while levelling in NVHM and TVHM. Bottom line is that GBX seem happy with the current (revised) legendary drop rate, and so am I!

Don’t get me wrong… I’m not complaining about the rates in BL2. They’re quite alright! TPS… Now that’s a completely different story. :disappointed:

One of the reasons… :slight_smile: Not the only reason.

[quote=“VaultHunter101, post:2, topic:1553502, full:true”]Current drop rate post-patch in BL2 seems like it’s hit the sweet spot for the developers (and I’m not complaining either!) so I suspect BL3 will be close to BL2 in that regard. Major difference at the moment between BL2 and TPS is better odds of higher rarity items in the vendors, which would be good to have in BL3 (and in BL2!)[/quote]:thumbsup:

I think I should get all the legendaries. Every kill, all the lwgendaries drop. Yup. So it has been written, so it shall be done.

I suppose you’ll be needing some more inventory space to go along with that. :grinning:

I will need one thousand slots…EXACTLY one thousand.