Ladies & Germs, now that I’ve gotten a second Siren to OP8, and this one 100% solo, I’m thinking of revisiting that all Moxxxi-weapons build for the first one. Looking for a little feedback on some things, though.
First, the skill tree. This is what I’m thinking, and in conjunction with a Legendary Binder COM. Only 1/5 in Sweet Release, because it gets +5 from the COM. Same for Suspension. I’d put more points into Inertia if I had them, but that’s just not in the cards. With Moxxxi gear granting health regen, I figured those first 5 points in Motion should go to Ward instead of Accelerate. Most Moxxxi weapons have decent projectile speed anyhow, and with the other DPS boosts that Leg Binder gives, it’s not much loss to give up Accelerate’s damage buff.
Now, the gear. This is all stuff left from last time I did this, a couple years ago…
Rubi (all 4 flavors)
Heart Breaker
Good Touch
Bad Touch
Practicable Slow Hand (all four flavors)
Hail (all flavors except Slag, I think)
Kitten (all flavors except Slag, I think)
Kiss of Death (fire, corrosive, explosive)
Cher Amie (Shock and Slag, and one round of Hyperion Slaughter away from a fire one too)
As for the COM, well, I’m figuring Leg Binder is the one. Leg Cat is too Sandhawk-y for a no-Sandy-allowed build, and Leg Siren is a close second place. Leg Nurse is pretty much overkill, with so much healing coming from the weapons. Blurred Trickster would be fun (it’s SO good with Kitten), but just seems too much like cheese for this. Now, if the Banshee COMs were a little better-made, I might be down with that. And in fact, I may still.
Shield? Neogenator, Evolution, or a good purple Adaptive shield, would seem first-choice. Also, Antagonist is a good deal, though it does overlap Kinetic Reflection. And yeah, I know they did a Dahl booster shield for her in TPS, but it just didn’t feel very Moxxxi there. I’ve noticed recently, that a solid Evolution netted me higher total hit points than an Antagonist or BBB, or likely any other shield than a Turtle of some type, and with that high dynamic elemental resistance on top of it. The half-million or so extra health is a big boost. Now, that might work against me in terms of health gate abuse. That remains to be seen. SO, I’m open to suggestions about an alternative shield choice beyond Evo/Neo/Adaptive and Antagonist.
And finally, we come to the question of relic. What’s appropriate? Last time around, I went in with a set of BotA relics (max-stats, one of each flavor). The Miss Moxxi’s Endowment is pretty pointless once you hit level 72, or else that’d be a no-brainer (and a bummer). BotA does feel a little bit like cheesing, though, for this concept. So I’m once again open to suggestions.
And that’s it. Once Little Sis (the other OP8 siren) gets settled-in, I’m gonna go back and grab that third Cher Amie, and reset UVHM for another full-story run. Probably gonna take it slow and do side quests, too. This time around, rather than simply being able to say “I DID IT!”, I want to try to learn something useful about best practices for Moxxxi stuff with Maya.
Some things learned last time around, that have stuck with me? Kitten is a mobbing GOD. Kitten and Heart Breaker work SUPER great with Chain Reaction. Grenade-Rubi/Grog heals don’t work SO great with Kiss of Death, like they do with Chain Lightning.
So, there it is…