Digi-Splosion Usage

I’ve been tinkering around with Gaige as of late and was wondering about the use of her skill Death From Above and how beneficial it is. I can’t seem to really justify it’s usage aside from diving off of stuff just to use that skill. Am I overlooking something or…?

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No, not really! It’s just a bad skill.

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Like Maya’s Recompense skill, it doesn’t scale well into higher levels unless you really build around it. You can put a decent dent in enemies if you build around it though, but it’s not really her strongest damage output (especially if you’re used to the damage that comes with banking that Anarchy and using it against enemies on its own merits).

Also, good management of when it fires and when it doesn’t takes some practice/concentration, which turns people off. Enemy fire that knocks you up a tiny bit, and small, otherwise unnoticeable drops in the terrain as you move are considered being in the air and will cause it to trigger. I have a point in it because I like the way it looks and for cheap practice managing when it fires for when I do use it.

I wouldn’t say you’re overlooking anything, but don’t take our word for it; it’s cheap enough to spec in and out of it at any time to take for a spin and see for yourself. I’d recommend getting Rational Anarchist and loop through that “free” stack of 25 repeatedly, since +11 points in that skill eats 11 stacks at a shot: Rational Anarchist will give you two of your strongest Death From Above attacks with three spare (plus whatever you earn) to burn off through Discord, and start over.

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