Kill Switch
When this effect activates your Action Skill cooldown meter is instantly filled by 10%
That would mess with OC chaining builds. They want the cooldown to start so they can get to their next burst of damage.[quote=“King_Tadpole, post:1, topic:1552562”]
First to Fight
Gun Damage Bonus: +8% PL --> +12% PL
Still wouldn’t be taken because of the 5 second downtime where you have to stop deal damage in order to deal more damage. 60% extra for 5 secods (additive buff) doesn’t make up for the 5 seconds you spent dealing no damage.[quote=“King_Tadpole, post:1, topic:1552562”]
Meteor Slam
Additionally, increases slam damage by +5% per level.
Yes, yes, and more yes, It’s really weird that they gave Nisha of all characters a slam damage boost.
In perfect usage FtF would average out 30% more gun damage over the course of the fight if boosted to 12% per point.
However, perfect usage would be incredibly difficult. Get tagged by an enemy half a second from turning it back on? Now you have to wait 5 additional seconds on top of the 4.5 you just waited. And that’s also assuming you’re dropping everything to do so, which would mean quitting the battle mid Overcharge, mid ER, mid kill skills. Which would all not be worth missing time on to get the extra base gun damage.
Even at 60% I would say you’re maybe getting an extra 10% effective gun damage out over the course of a shoot out. Unless the battle is small enough that you spend most of it with FtF, in which case, you probably didn’t need it to begin with.
It either needs to cycle 5 seconds on 5 seconds off without any limitter, or it should be bigger.
I have an idea :
First to Fight is triggered when you engage the combat, and it ends when you don’t deal damage for 5 seconds. If you don’t deal damage for 5 seconds, you have to wait for the skill to cooldown.
Although Wilhelm is probably my favorite Vault Hunter in the series, I agree that, of all the TPS Vault Hunters, he has the most skills that need work. Here are the changes I would make.
Hunter Killer –
Venom Bolts --> Frost Bolts: Wolf has a chance to shoot extra Frost Bolts that may Freeze enemies. 6% chance per level. Additionally, you gain increased Freeze Chance (+2%) and Cryo Damage (+5%) with guns and grenades.
Cold War: +6% Freeze Chance and +4% Cryo Weapon Freeze Chance
Escalation: Cooldown can begin during Action Skill, much like Salvador’s Get Some.
Omega Strike: Increase damage and/or frequency.
Cyber Commando –
First to Fight: Boosts are changed to Gun Damage +10%; Grenade Damage +5%; Fire Rate +4%
Power Fist: An extra +200% Melee Damage; cooldown 8 seconds
Shock Absorbers: You can also sprint while moving backwards and while strafing. Gun Damage is now added simply by moving, not just running.
Meteor Slam: Also increase Slam Damage +6%
Vengeance Cannon: Duration 20 seconds; also increase damage
Dreadnought –
Fortify: Also increases Grenade Damage while Saint is active by +4%
Kinetic Armor: +8% Maximum Health; Explosion Chance up to +8%; explosion deals more damage; +3% Explosive Damage
Hard to Kill: Stacks don’t decay; all stacks are lost when you die.