Yeah watchya think of that?

Hello vault hunters. Im curious to know what your favorite ways to kill enemies in stupid or stylish ways. Kills that are so overpowered that they make you laugh or just silly strategies that suprisingly work.

Ill start. Personally my favorite way to kill bnk3r is to throw a deliverance at him and bore him to death on zero. Theres something so satisfying about it.

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Hitting 3 targets at once with a Godfinger that procced Nth degree/CE. Have yet to replicate that.


This thread has @Adabiviak written all over it. Heā€™s kind of the community mad scientist/encyclopedia killtanica.


What about using the Buffalo at near-Godfinger range? Doesnā€™t really work in UVHM of course (mostly because itā€™s true to the Jakobs one-shot approach but cannot keep up with the 4x enemy health buff), but in the lower modes it feels so satisfying when you manage to pop a distant head without a scope.
Donā€™t try it with the Elephant Gun, though. The low accuracy and the lack of iron sights on its Hyperion barrel make it much harder. Zer0 might be able to pull it off with a few accuracy buffs and the crosshairs while aiming in Decepti0n, but the others ā€¦ good luck.

Another one: hitting a flying enemy with Kriegā€™s thrown buzzaxe. Last time I visited Sawtooth Cauldron with Krieg (several months ago) I didnā€™t have any suitable guns for the buzzards, so I lobbed tons of axes their way. They all died ā€¦ eventually.


Not impossible. But for me its easier to handle a Unforgiven.
But kudoā€™s if you manage to pull this off, definetly requires a keen eye.

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Killing Motor mama with Light the Fuse by tossing it at a slag barrel after she had gotten off her bike and chased me nearly to the exit- that was a hell of a fight! :laughing:

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Itā€™s how I roll for sure, and Iā€™ll post some favorites here as they occur to me. As I think about one to start with, I have two viable, however thin, niches for using the Midnight Star grenade:

  • If you have access to a huge cliff and Rakk, you can throw it far enough that the return grenades will time out and explode before they get back to you. If you get the timing down, it turns into a delayed cluster bomb right over your head, and you just need to time the Rakk flight to catch them therein (but not hurt you).

  • The return grenades adjust their flight path based on where you are at the point where the MIRV initially splits. Get a feel for how far you can throw it, and how much time to death you have with those throws. With this in mind, toss the grenade, and run past an enemy such that youā€™re next to them at the point when the grenades calculate their return path. The grenades will aim for the enemyā€™s location, and youā€™ll be continuing on your way to safety. Hereā€™s a video of this from my random series (Loaders are easiest for this, since they donā€™t move fast).

Why not? Itā€™s got insane accuracy, hits very hard, and with Zer0, you get crosshairs while in Decepti0n. Add a Sure Shot class mod with points in Precisi0n and 0ptics if needed, and youā€™ll be good to go.

If youā€™re having trouble with damage output with this method, get yourself an E-Tech slag dart, fire a few rounds at the target (make sure itā€™s in your crosshairs so the darts pick up on it), and you should have plenty of time to go into Decepti0n before the darts stick and explode. If you do this right, the enemy wonā€™t become aggro, theyā€™re slagged, and youā€™re on your way to the end of the Decepti0n timer with 5 stacks of Kill C0nfirmed on deck.

Come see me after class. :wink:

Iā€™ll have to check this out. When you hit the first target, the shot should turn into seven, which then continue on their way. Are those seven subsequent shots at liberty to fire Close Enough and Nth Degree (or did the one round just pull that off)? If so, thereā€™s an interesting niche for Gaige to use that gun at close range.

Note to self: if this works, it might provide the conditions to confirm or deny whether or not the Godfinger shots will combine their two hidden mechanics (extra pellets per air time, and/or seven pseudo-B0re pellets upon impact with a target). Now thereā€™s a slim niche. :laughing:



And I thought I was smartā€¦ Iā€™ll just stick to drawing. Anyways I got another weird one today. I managed to get pyro pete stuck about 20 above the floor of the arena. I WAS attenpting to do the trick where he gets stuck (waa feeling lazy) and he kind of just got stuck. I thiught he was floating at firstā€¦ which he kind of was but it was intersting none the less :stuck_out_tongue:

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Details are vague, but it works best on enemies with overlapping hitboxes. Might be Nth Degree in its entirely because 7 pellets, maybe CE had a hand in it aswel.

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Taking Raid Bosses out with White Gear (Melee Krieg vs Pyro Pete, Sniper Zer0 vs Dragons ā€¦)


Thanks. I just did another such shot in Ore Chasm. Iā€™m not sure how it compares to the Godfingerā€™s optimal range because I havenā€™t used one in there, but here it is: From the usual hiding spot on the lava catwalks I killed an EXP Loader with a critical hit. The loader was hanging out at the spawn points right below Innuendobotā€™s chamber. No Deception crosshairs were used, but to be honest seconds earlier I failed to crit an ION Loader at a similar distance, possibly due to visual pollution as it was hammering the wall in front of me with its rapid shock blasts.

[quote=ā€œAdabiviak, post:7, topic:1552260ā€]Why not? Itā€™s got insane accuracy, hits very hard, and with Zer0, you get crosshairs while in Decepti0n. Add a Sure Shot class mod with points in Precisi0n and 0ptics if needed, and youā€™ll be good to go.

If youā€™re having trouble with damage output with this method, get yourself an E-Tech slag dart, fire a few rounds at the target (make sure itā€™s in your crosshairs so the darts pick up on it), and you should have plenty of time to go into Decepti0n before the darts stick and explode. If you do this right, the enemy wonā€™t become aggro, theyā€™re slagged, and youā€™re on your way to the end of the Decepti0n timer with 5 stacks of Kill C0nfirmed on deck.

Come see me after class. :wink:[/quote]Thank you for that personal lesson. :slight_smile:
As much as I like the Buffalo, my biggest problem with it is the fire rate. It has a ton of damage, but if you cannot kill an enemy with one shot, you are in trouble. The recoil I experienced in todayā€™s session was pretty hard too, but that may have been due to the parts (Jakobs grip, Jakobs stock, no accessory).
My Zer0 is outfitted for melee (itā€™s always been like that), so I donā€™t have a lot of sniper skills, especially at just level 53. Still, with a normal GUN Loader in the TVHM Hyperion Slaughter just barely dying to two Buffalo shots Iā€™m very worried that something more dangerous (e.g. a psycho in UVHM who dodges my shots and approaches much faster than a loader) cannot be taken down in time. Decepti0n may fix that, but ā€¦ what card do I play then when a badass appears? Iā€™d like to have some leftover damage potential somewhere for such an emergency.
All in all, the Buffalo feels like a weapon in need of an OP buff (how much of a buff does yours get?) which is tricky when youā€™re still leveling.

The next awesome moment Iā€™d like to share also happened in Ore Chasm during the same session as the situation described above. TVHM probably made this easier, but ā€¦ try executing three badass surveyors in a single Decepti0n. without catching them using a damaged target. I got lucky there, and I wasnā€™t even trying to do that, just panicking because several badass surveyors and their big shock blasts are dangerous when youā€™re without cover.


Noneā€¦ like you say, the damage is there, but youā€™re only in trouble if you get in a situation where youā€™re so close that if the first round doesnā€™t work, they can get you before the second round is on deck, but I wouldnā€™t fault the weapon for that.

Thatā€™s some serious Execution (Executi0n?), I consider myself lucky if I catch one. :thumbsup:

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Nothing crazy but one-shotting Jack at Op8 with melee Zer0 is always a good feel.

Just something about that giant health and shield bar disappearing in one fell swoop :slight_smile:


Oh wow, what did you hit him with?

edit - fine, donā€™t tell us about it. :stuck_out_tongue:

On the subject of Buzzards, I generally have a favorite weapon or two for each allegiance character that I use for taking them out as follows. I do play rules where I limit myself to a certain range of weapons, so there may be more interesting ways to dispatch Buzzards if I let myself wander from this, but here we are. For todayā€™s playthrough, I took each of these to Tundra Express, where I went to the Buzzard Academy for some target practice. All these characters are using a corrosive Bone of the Ancients relic (except Axton, whoā€™s got an Explosive Damage relic).

  • Maliwan Mechromancer - Her Wanderlust is corrosive, but only Zer0ā€™s got the skills to give those rounds enough speed to catch these things. Sheā€™s got a Hive, which I donā€™t aim at the Buzzards: just fire it in the air and forget. Sheā€™s got a Grog Nozzle to get it drunk for some real fun, but still, I rarely use it in this role because other than taking out a huge fleet at once (or a stubborn Badass Buzzard), itā€™s only mildly interesting. She also has a corrosive Pimpernel, and with that, I at least need to hit the target. With fast, straight flight time and long range, itā€™s rare that I donā€™t get a one-hit kill with it. My favorite is the Infection for its unique challenge:
    • The range on it is limited, so you need to wait for the Buzzards to get close enough to hit.
    • Gaige is usually packing some Anarchy, so the accuracy is sketchy (and a binary prefix doesnā€™t help).
    • The rounds have a slow trajectory with a mild arc, so you need a lot of lead to land shots.
    • Interspersed Outburst appears to only slag the Buzzard (pilot) if you hit the front of the Buzzard (shots to the bottom or back donā€™t do this). I think shots anywhere on the front of the Buzzard work though (note the two Critical indicators on the engine where I hit it, but Interspersed Outburst fired on the pilot, slagging him).

  • Hyperion Assassin - Heā€™s got a corrosive Plasma Caster and Butcher which drop them quick and easy (as does his OP8 Spiker), but I think the Invader is the most fun to use. Coming out of Decepti0n with Death Mark on deck may one-shot them if Kunai slagged them and I get a critical hit, but leading the shots so all rounds in the burst fire hit the Buzzard without insta-killing them is my own little challenge with this weapon.

  • Dahl Commando - Heā€™s got the Hornet and Teapot which are brutal against them. The Dahlminator is as well, but only if the Buzzard is coming straight at me so I can land the shots. My corrosive Pitchfork is insanely lethal against them, and (like the Invader), is fun to land as many shots as possible against passing Buzzards, but even a single salvo from that thing drops them. I really want to drop them with my corrosive Bearcat, but itā€™s exceptionally difficult to hit themā€¦ need to practice this at length. My favorite is a corrosive Scorpio. It has a 4-level OP buff with a Front Line Rifleman COM, and I still need to land three full bursts in a row (with a number of critical hits and no down time for the target to heal) to drop an unslagged Buzzard (in the shot below, you can see the damage from one burst like this). With slag from the turret and Onslaught on deck, a single burst into the front of one can drop it (which is about where I want this - I should need to stack some skills for an ā€œeasyā€ kill like that).

  • Vladof Assassin - Heā€™s got a corrosive Lead Storm, Moloko, Spiker, and Veritas that can all do the job, but my favorite is a corrosive Topneaa. Without applying some extra skills, it canā€™t one-shot them, but it doesnā€™t take much. He uses a Chaotic Neutral Rogue COM with points in Vel0city and Like the Wind. Vel0city helps with hitting them at range, and Like the Wind provides a little challenge to earn the bonus: you can move anywhere, but I prefer to jump, since Iā€™m forced to time it right so Iā€™m in the air at the moment of impact. I also reload when the magazine drops a round for 0ne Sh0t, 0ne Kill, but with the larger magazine size from this COM, I get maybe one to two shots before the magazine is short a round and I need to reload).

  • Bandit Mechromancer has a number of weapons that work (corrosive varieties of the Gub, Chopper, and an Orc), but this is a niche for the Roaster, given its high rocket speed. With a handful of Anarchy, this does an adqeuate amount of damage to them, although there isnā€™t much else to this combat style. Iā€™d love to hit them reliably with my corrosive Prazma Canon, but thatā€™ll require some practice.

  • Torgue Commando has relatively few weapons that arenā€™t good at dispatching Buzzards, but I like the Ahab for this if for no other reason than itā€™s got Maliwan exhaust and a missile speed accessory, so I donā€™t even see the rockets in flight (plus, given the almost non-existent splash, itā€™s particularly suited to direct hits anyway, leaving my other launchers for splash damage roles).

  • Jakobs Siren - What would I use here besides the Stinkpot? A Splatter Witch COM :blush: Quite a few pieces of Jakobs gear can drop Buzzards if you hit them in their critical spots, but Iā€™m always looking for an excuse to use the Stinkpot. While sheā€™s rocking Cloud Kill, the only time it really cooks them is if I catch them stationary (which isnā€™t often). The Stinkpot can drop them without slag, but given their resistance to Phaselock, her only ability to heal during Buzzard combat like this is to Phaselock one immediately after a kill so Ruin feeds Life Tap (or if I grab a regular target at distance for sustained Elated). A slagged Buzzard drops in a few shots, and conveniently the cooldown from Ruining un-Phaselockable targets is very fast.

  • Tediore Siren - Sheā€™s got a corrosive E-Tech launcher that does quite well (which I use often), and my corrosive Avenger can drop them with regular weapon fire, but Iā€™m torn between pistol reloads and the Deliverance. I do have a corrosive Gunerang, but I havenā€™t gotten the knack of getting it to reliably pursue Buzzards, if only because I canā€™t predict their flight path far enough in advance to get the Gunerangā€™s return flight to pick up on it, and even then, Iā€™ve got a 50% chance for it to move left or right, plus itā€™s got limited flight time, so there isnā€™t much room for pursuit. The Deliverance is somewhat easy to use in this regard; regular shots will drop them very handily, but itā€™s way more fun to watch the reloads pursue them around the sky. Note that sheā€™s using Thoughtlock, and the reload wonā€™t acquire these targets, but because theyā€™re Buzzards, the Thoughtlock wears off fairly quickly, so you just need to give it a moment before tossing the reload. Cloud Kill also wonā€™t proc against Thoughtlocked targets, which is something I didnā€™t know before I started this (although Iā€™ll want some peer review before I call that a fact). Also, the Deliverance reload can re-acquire a second target if the first one dies, although Iā€™ve only had it drop more than one per reload if I ā€œhelpedā€ ahead of time by softening them up (and got lucky with their proximity).


Oh wow, what did you hit him with?

Just the standard combo.

Deception > kunai > shield strip > last second execute w/ rapier / hide of terra.

Canā€™t remember if he was even slagged. Zero single target damage OP.


Using Execute or a singularity grenade to throw Mad MIke into Satanā€™s Suckhole.

Kiting the Duke of Orcs onto the tracks to grease him with the minecart.


One I really liked for smallish rooms full of baddies: Walk into room and Phaselock enemy nearest center of room with Converge in my spec, immediately throw a Bonus Pacakage at the ground by the Phaselocked target, exit the room and listen to the carnage. Re-enter the room and collect the loot.

Edit: Similar vein: As Krieg, killing most of the brooms during the TTAoDK quest given by Claptrap with Bloodsplosion.


First time I did that I couldnā€™t stop laughing - I think I fired one shot :joy:

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Yea thatā€™s pretty much how it went for me, after I fired a few shots and realized what was happening I just stopped shooting and watched with a wide smile on my face, chuckling a bit.


I once got a quad headshot with a DPUH. All of them just died, and it was the BEST. I managed to replicate it (kinda) with my Maggie in TPS by getting a triple headshot, so yay :slight_smile:

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