I prefer to play a Game legally. I know that using a glitch is not realy cheating but stil. For example i want to Farm seraph Crystal. But when i look for the fastest way i only see people using glitches. Is there AAnyone Who Farms them Without using a gl litch?
I know its the fastest way but is the game really desiged in a way that you NEED to use glitches otherwise its almost impossible to get certain weapens Without spending years to play the game?
Also certain Boss fights… if even with te best weapons in the game you are forcered to cower behind a Wall because that seems the only strat left, isnt that Just a flaw in the game? It should be possible to use More than ons strat to defeat a Boss. Otherwise i tnink the Boss is Just to hard. ( For example the badassaurus Rex. Every Body sais Just cower near the entrance and shoot… Is that really All thats possible to defeat this Boss?
Where is the fun in that?
Its justmy opinion so please be gentle I was just wondering how others play and how other players feel about this
You don’t need to use glitches/exploits/cheese strats to do everything in the game, but that doesn’t mean some of it isn’t going to be goddamn hard to manage without any of that.
Ye i know i don’t have to use them. Im currently lvl 68 so not even top lvl but at this moment i feel im getting a pretty hard time at some moments. And what they say is “hey farm crystals”… Oke well i can, but at this point it takes me like for ever to take out a raid boss… So it feels a bit unfair if the games gives you an option to farm while it might take you for like… ages!
I was also just wondering how other players felt about this… I mean, i don’t mind if things get very hard at some point. But like the example i gave, only 1 way to beat him is sitting behind the entrance wall … it just doesn’t feel right you know. A game should give you more ways to beat a boss in my opinion… A boss can be hard… but so hard that you can’t even show your face without getting one shot while using a sham shield? In my opinion to hard.
hmm. i never thought about this lol. But do seraph crystals also drop in tvhm? I thought only in UVHM?
I think that way of playing feels more right to me So thanks for the tip.
I’ve solo’d Hyperius, Master Gee, Pyro Pete, and Dexiduous with all 6 VHs as part of my NVHM playthrough, so I was doing that with about half the skillpoints of a level 72 character and only the gear I’d found getting to that point in NVHM, I understand they are deadlier in TVHM and UVHM, but you also have more skillpoints and better gear to work with. Only raids that seem really hard to me are Voracidous and the Ancient Dragons (and the latter feels a lot more forgiving than the former, fyi). As for farming Eridium, imo, the Warrior and mobbing in Tiny Tina’s DLC seem like some of the best ways to farm Eridium. Warrior seems to drop about 20 Eridium per kill (more from story kill because you get to moonshot him too) in NVHM, maybe more in TVHM/UVHM, idk.
IMO Hyperious would be the fastest seraph crystal farm since once you get to his area you can get him to reappear very quickly w/o saving and quitting. All characters have at least one or more reliable build to handle him that doesn’t involve glitches (and could you give your definition of ‘glitch’? Are you talking grenade jumping Pyro Pete to the upper wall of his arena, gate crushing Master Gee or something else?). Some characters will have an easier time of it than others but it’s possible to do with all of them. For eridium farming taking a level 72 character into normal vs the Ancient Dragons would be the fastest and easiest way to go (or to TVHM if you want future characters to start UVHM with all level 50 gear- the AD are known to drop the occasional legendary as well…).
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(Wh-?! A mask?! This is tooootally my face! I... uh... )
I don’t gib, glitch, or cheat, and have gone solo to OP8 with 4 classes, have killed every raid boss except Gee solo, have beaten the time challenges (Appetite for Destruction, etc), and all DLC and HH packs. I know I’m not alone. Many of us prefer to earn everything we get, and take pride in having done so.
As for the Badassasaurus reference… you don’t have to use the barrier. He only reflects projectiles, so splash-only weapons, grenades, etc work fine against him. Flakker, Bearcat, splat guns, Tediore reloads, weapons with arcing round delivery like Leadstorm and Hail… all good.
Often times, things that feel impossible stop feeling that way once you find the solution. After that, they get easy.
+1 for the last paragraph there, in my over 3000 hours between BL1 and BL2, that is one lesson that I gradually learned about these games: Things that are wrecking you will stop wrecking you once you figure out an effective countermeasure.
I’m not sure what you mean by ‘Boss’ here. Raids are meant to be fought by multiple players, but there aren’t any other bosses in the game that I have to glitch or hide in order to beat. I find hiding in a safe spot very boring so never do it for non-raids and rarely a raid like Pete either… plenty of deaths that way, but I am playing the game, and that’s what matters. E.g. Badassaurs Rex isn’t easy but it’s definitely possible. [quote=“Frightning, post:10, topic:1551727”]
Things that are wrecking you will stop wrecking you once you figure out an effective countermeasure.