I was thinking about this earlier today, tailor made topic.
DT : Pressing the action skill button with an enemy in your crosshair causes DT to target that enemy
Potent as a Pony : add a move speed buff. +2% for DT and +4% for you
Made of Sterner Stuff : Increase DR to +2% for DT and +5% for you
More Pep : +9% electrocute, +5% others (brings it in line with Flicker)
Shock Storm : Triggers on DT kill, or your crit or DOT kill. Implodes first with a small flash and modest damage, with a grenade singularity effect, a few beats later the normal shock storm explosion
The Stare : Switch to non-elemental damage. Increase damage. High chance of a mid range fire DOT buffed by MP, EE, and Gaige’s COM DOT buffs
Evil Enchantress : +10% dot damage
Make it Sparkle : DT must be in your crosshair for your shot to switch his element (prevents stray pellets from constantly changing his element)
Annoyed Android : add +3% DT melee damage
Discord : increase health regen to +5%
Death from Above : Increase damage. If you have stacks, but not enough for a DfA shot, that shot consumes all remaining stacks and the damage is down scaled by a percent based on the number of stacks you are short
With Claws : +1% melee damage per stack. only consumes a stack if a hit lands (land both claws, loose two stacks)
I know none of this will ever happen, just wishful idle thoughts during lunch.