Oh right, forgot to update after I commented on your vid. Can’t get it to work once I swap shields - I can get 0 health and always-on Immolate provided I have the Hoplite equipped, if I swap it goes to 1.
Tried several different versions of the Hoplite, COMs, different number of points in Restoration and Recompense, toggling BAR a dozen ways etc. Still the same.
Not sure if a relation between BAR stats and gear stats have to align somehow?
It’s no biggie, I just wanted a screenshot with the RR so I could look devil-may-care with 0 health and shields
Well you need to do this is this specific order to make it to work, plus you always need to get second wind and you need Hoplite and Banshee COM with highest penalty to health as possible. Then adding health bonus from BAR will gives you negative effect. Which means it will reduce your health instead of increasing it. And the more health % bonus from BAR you have then better. My health bonus from BAR is ~33%. 1 guy posted that this also didn’t work for him even that he had same stats on Hoplite and Banshee as I do. But hes BAR bonus was around 10%. So you need more than 10% to increase negative effect on health. I’m not sure how much its needed. Also I used level 72 RR so health bonus from it its smaller. But I’m also not sure if at this point, when glitch is active, games sees health bonus as negative, positive or just completely ignore it.
Hmm. I might have to re-check the stats on the various COMs I used, but apart from that I’m sure I did it the same way. My BAR bonus should be in the 30% range as well.
There’s a crazy wide range on COM bonuses and possible penalties, though, which might be the problem.
(By way of example, my main Maya still runs a lvl 68 Leg. Cat COM on the rare occasion she uses one, since not a single drop - and there have been many - has been better. And don’t get me started on unique relics…)
Yeah there is wide but also weird range of penalties on relics, COMs and shields.
Relics are pretty straight forward, because they have grades. And some of them have grades from 2 to 15 e.g. your seraph relics.
Shields don’t have grades but they have parts. So if you want shield with max stats for its special effect like amp, roid damage then you always want to go with Maliwan parts or Hyperion if Maliwan parts are not available for certain shield. But things are different for turtle shields. For highest penalty to max health you want to go with Pangolin parts. Because this penalty is for those type of shields that special effect.
And COMs are the most wacky of all. They have 5 grades for penalties and two segments with 5 grades for COM effects stats. So with this come crazy mix-ups mostly because having 5th grade in both effects stats and 0 grade for penalty it doesn’t mean you will get COM with highest stats for it.
I think I held on to that Hoplite specifically because it had Pangolin parts except for the mandatory Bandit body.
The ‘grade’ component of COMs and relics is something I was only vaguely aware of, though. Just as well, by the sound of it
I’ve got only one thing to say about that :
If you want to have some fun (ie - revenge), whoever put that up actually posted their phone number on that page.
Okay, let’s keep the YouTube drama on YouTube, please. Not here, thanks.
@Psychichazard What drama? We haven’t even started doing drama. I guess you don’t even know how really drama looks like. Anyway nice try. Tnx.
@Ossie lol I didn’t notice that. But at this point it wouldn’t change anything, cuz hes copy is same old as my video which is over a year old. But still tnx for the tip
@nat_zero_six yes this glitch is still working. I was even thinking about doing update to this video, because its working only with specific gear parts and BAR. And in new vid I would present how to do it with every Hoplite + Banshe COM. I just can’t grab all my stuff together and do it finally
Do you need the hoplite or will any shield that reduces max health work?
You need turtle shield that will reduce your max health to 1. Thats why Hoplite works best because it has highest penalty. You may also try with OP8 white turtle shields. They also have very high health penalty and with some parts even equal to Hoplite. Basically it works this way: the higher health penalty from turtle shield = higher chance for glitch to work.
Thanks, that’s what I was figuring but didn’t want to go get a hoplite if no need. I think I sell them or don’t even pick hoplites up off the ground.