Teabagging Geary

Greetings fellow Vault Hunters ! Dab Doubt here, I just wanted to share some fun hopefully new information with you about the Lord of the Rings easter egg. I was having serious trouble with the Sky Hunters as a level 50. I was having trouble shooting them before they could down me especially with the slagged badass. Then I remembered, (forgotten because at this point in the story it had been a while since I needed to defeat any Rakk/Sky Hunter and I have a really sweet Torgue shotty paired with a top notch explosion relic, this combo is quite the cat’s meow and popping mama’s boys in the dome close range was the only thing keeping my spirits up at this point) so moving forward getting to the point, use a spike shield duuh! I know that fire is more effective on flesh, however in this case I was feeling frantic and just wanted to get the job done, so I equipped an explosive spike shield, plus this complimented the explosive relic I have equipped and weidled a high power tongue handgun with a reasonable fire rate and clip size. This saved my problem of almost having a heart attack when I was going into second wind so close to my goal and brinking to the edge of failure. I have since realized a couple other strategies that my panicking one track brain could not bring to light sooner. A. I can Zero’s deception subterfuge skill to put some distance between the Sky Hunters and my avatar especially if they become preoccupied with the Hyperion turret. And B. I was following the advice of a dated you tube tutorial where yoh could still use runners, I realized later i could simply cut across the bridge adjacent to the bounty board next to thr Jack sculpture near the entrance to Eridium Blight from Dust area this direction avoids the Rakk/ Sky Hunters, you can avoid activating quick save checkpoint near Slagma Vapor Extraction area by staying hard right after shortcutting, which may be desirable to players who wish to ‘mortality teleport’ to the commerce area near ‘Hideous’ Jack’s effigy. So I was feeling so happy that I was making good progress toward the goal and getting my ‘1st person hands’ on some premium firepower, whoops; in all that excitement, TWICE, I forgot to un-eqip the spike shield, and two times despite the easie of which I slayed all the enemies en-route to the quest to Mount Hellsfont, I freaking killed Geary with the Spike shield and one of those times I even failed to get the consolation loot box that is already there just a few more hurdles past mid-gauntlet. All this frustration led me to the conclusion that a nice hefty absorbtion shield, could do the trick, so long as I remembered to equip before the rendezvous with Geary. This was also before air put it together that I could cut across that first bridge. Usually by the time I reach Eridium Blight I am so frazzled by the strength of the foe that I treat them as though they all have red skull status ( stay in the runner, roll up the wihdows, and lock the doors, wish you were in Rick’s ship from the Rick and Morty episode: “look who’s purging now”)and I don’t spend much time outside the runner, and I am anxious to do fresh missions to aquire maximum XP for these consorted efforts it takes to vanquish these higher level foes. And I will be darned if I was going to risk letting Geary take a swipe at me with no shield, he is level 52 after all, what if he took me out and left me stranded on 2nd Wind, this is not Call of Duty, its not like I was going to Hail Mary a tomahawk into some unsuspecting pup skag in Three Horns. After all my tribulations, upon my next visit to Geary with everything ready to go, with my no-deaths and biped-moded , hoofing-it trek at an end, I felt like savoring the moment and decided I would teabag Geary a few times by leaping over him just to savor the moment a bit. What happened is after the first jump, I did not take any damage at all and therected was no indication that Geary hit me, but he ran and jumped in the lava. Not sure why this happens, but my best guess is that; my avatar takes the gear and chucks the ring into Geary’s mouth as if it were a kernel of popped corn from mid-air, and Geary happily catches the gear on his tounge then gobbles it down as he sprints like a lemming toward the perilous edge and leaps to his serendipitous doom. Another time I jumped over him and looked back as he swept his hand out as if making connection with the Unbreakable Gear that was thrown to him. So…apparently you don’t have to let Geary bitch-slap you, you can tea-bag him instead!!! YAY!!! Also I noticed I recieved two grenades when I did this. In conclusion, If you teabag Geary, it means you have a pair–(testicle, boobs, ovaries, cerebral hemispheres, however you want to interpret that)! You have what it takes!!! Looking back, I guess this feature essentially prevents you from taunting Geary; you are blocked from leaping over his head repeatedly, which is true to the film/ book, in which Frodo was always kind to Gollum and never taunted him.



Thanks for the cool kitty pic reply. If that post made you purr, please feel free to go ahead and check out my “Zero’s cat burglar ability” post also. Thanks again, have a good one.


Hello @parchedelephant, welcome to the Forum!

I edited the “New” disclaimer off the title for a bit of clarity. Users checking for new topics/posts can do so via the forum’s functions itself.

Otherwise, interesting bit of info on Geary.



Coolness! Thanks.