A Dumb Question from a Noob about the Crimson Raiders HQ

Hey Guys:

At the rear on the main floor of the Crimson Raiders HQ, behind all the washing machines is a locked gate with a case behind it. The entrance mechanism can be pulled and makes a litle noise but I can’t seem to find a way to get in.

Can anyone tell me how you get into/past that gate?

Thanks a lot.

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It’ll take care of itself as you play through missions. :blush:

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It’s part of the mission “Bearer of Bad News”. I don’t remember who gives it, (I think Lilith) but it unlocks after the main story mission is completed.

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You’ve already got your answer but, as a further note: any time you wonder why you can’t get in to some area or pick up some object that looks important… just keep playing! :tropical_fish:

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I’m gonna confess, I spent an embarrassing amount of time searching all over Sancturary for the key or button to that safe before the story took me there. :dukefp:


Me too, pal. Me too.

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