(Wh-?! A mask?! This is tooootally my face! I... uh... )
This is a revamp of a build I put together awhile back. It is conceptually inspired by Rooster Cogburn, from ‘True Grit’. If you’re not familiar, he’s basically a very salty and nasty Marshall, who is stubborn and dangerous.
That idea lead me to fall in love with a generally disregarded skill, and the frequently written off COM that boosts it. I’m talking about Resolute, and the Role Model class mod. Specifically, we’re going for 11/5 Resolute, which gives us +35% damage resistance and +77% gun damage for a few seconds after taking damage. This skill is incredibly easy to keep up, so Jackster is typically running around with a lot of extra durability and punch.
The build I used to record and test the 2.0 version is this:
The right tree is the most variable. We want 5/5 High Frequency Trading, Money is Power, 5/5 Absolute Advantage, and Sponsored By. The rest can move around as desired.
Key skills of note:
1/5 Persistence becomes 6/5 with a blue mod, and it helps us a lot between uses of our AS.
Sponsored By allows us to throw important effects onto our Jakobs pistols and shotguns. I mostly use cryo, but shock and corrosive are very useful against the raids.
Absolute Advantage helps mitigate ammunition consumption considerably. That is a must with the Flayer.
Just Compensation is quietly amazing. If you throw to empty, it can give you an extra couple of trigger pulls between reloads. That is very cool with the Flayer, often turning it into a 7 shot weapon, without factoring in AA.
Take Their Freedom is underrated. Conventional Wisdom is that TTF and Resolute are counterproductive for a sacrifice build, but that is moot if you move. The digi-Jacks will die, and you will keep getting health re-ups to go with your regen, damage resistance, and shield re-ups.
Most sacrifice builds are pretty tanky. This is especially so.
Shield of the Ages
Oz kit can vary by area, but Tranquility is very good
Superstar Role Model, blue, +6 Resolute, +5 Persistence
Various Maliwan guns for Sponsored By
Jackster visiting RedBelly and a little mobbing on the way:
I definitely need to buy Jack, I always thought he was just another OP character but he seems to be an awesome one tbh.
Really nice build
(Wh-?! A mask?! This is tooootally my face! I... uh... )
He’s breakable (11/5 Absolute Advantage + Jakobs shotgun) and has very high survivability, so he can be considered OP. As a class, his skills are incredibly awesome in terms of flavor and function. He might be my favorite overall VH, though I favor BL2.
Yeah but is he as plug’n’play as let’s say, Nisha or Salvador ? There are OP tactics that require skills.
(Wh-?! A mask?! This is tooootally my face! I... uh... )
He’s probably the most gear flexible class in the franchise. He only truly breaks with a COM boosting Absolute Advantage, but he’s very strong with basically anything.
I’ve heard about the Company Man skill, Money is Power and things like that.
Really, I don’t know if he is really worth it, I hesitate a lot about buying him or no.
If your only fear for purchasing the best designed character in the franchise is the fear that he’ll be OP, then you are missing the point my good sir.
Well designed characters are OP. Heck, every character in this game besides Wilhelm is OP, and many consider TPS to have the best character design in the franchise.
The thing that makes Jack OP isn’t a single skill, it’s the synergy across all of them. Regardless of which build you prefer, all of his skills work perfectly to support it. Sure, things like Company Man, Absolute Advantage, and Money is Power are powerful, but is only in combination with leadership that they become ridiculous. The cohesiveness of his toolkit and the diversity of approaches it allows Jack to take can only be described as the crowning achievement of the GB dev team.
I strongly suggest you give him a shot. I doubt you be able to play any other character that just works as well as Jack.
Does that mean Wilhelm is badly designed ? Because Wilhelm is actually my favourite, he has the best survivability and he has an awesome damage potential (Siege Howitzer + Fridgia + Kaneda’s Laser = 49 million damage, and I’m not even talking about lasers).
I think I get your point, he is designed in a way to make it really the Jack-Of-All-Trades, and they succeeded as far as I can tell and see, whereas they failed (imo) with Gaige, since her gimmick was really … strange and undefined.
@Derch Yeah, I guess I know where my next 10 euros will go
He is indeed well designed. I don’t like OP characters since they make the game easy (Salvador and Nisha are good examples) but he looks different, he is OP the same way as Athena, Claptrap, Zer0 or Krieg are OP, I’ll definitely give him a shot !