Most reliable way to find a low level sniper for Critical Ascension stacking?

See some YouTuber’s with purple Droog’s or similar. Is there a reliable way to find a low level sniper with a large magazine size and high rate of fire that I might not be aware of?

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Farming a low level Lyuda on normal mode might be a good bet, it drops from either Gettle or Mobley (Forget which, the other drops the Veruc)

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Gettle drops the Lyuda, Mobley the Veruc. It does work in terms of magazine size and fire rate, but it’s a little too high level as it usually drops at lvl24 or so in Normal mode. I’ve found it’s better to use something level 10 and below. I have a blue level 8 Droog that’s perfect for it on my PS4 Zer0 but have recently started playing on a different platform and am approaching when I’ll want to start farming raid bosses.

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Outside of just trying to get lucky with chests, vendors or BA drops the only thing I can think of is taking a a character on your wanted weapon level to the golden chest. Raids don’t really tend to be worth it outside UVHM and for that the normal mode farmed Lyuda is not too powerful at all.

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