The Badass Crater Vault

So… the first Vault was a prison for an extra-dimensional god of destruction made flesh. The second Vault housed a living Eridian superweapon.

What actually was in this alleged third Vault found by Tannis and dubbed the Badass Crater of Badassitude by Mr. Torgue ("…that’s not what the area is called…!")

Surely not just a lootsplosion of underwhelming weapons. :wink:

Maybe just a cleaning supplies closet for the Eridians or something. I dunno. :smiley:


PR stunt by the Torgue corporation, perhaps. That would explain why the ‘Vault’ was a big hole in an arena. :grin:


Judging by what popped out of there, I would say it’s an Eridian garbage can.


Nothing but fireworks in there on PS3 :angry:

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I started on the PS3 and watched nothing fall on the ground many times. Moved to the X360 and still watched nothing fall on the ground. :acmsmile:

You aren’t missing anything, trust me.

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The celebratory fireworks are worth more than the loot that is supposed to shoot out of there, you aren’t missing anything.

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`[quote="AMG_75, post:3, topic:1548564, full:true"]

Judging by what popped out of there, I would say it’s an Eridian garbage can.


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