Hi, I’ve been playing a lot of Howitzer Wilhelm, and I was using the Vladof Cryo to freeze enemies without having to switch weapons.
But i’ve seen a lot of people using a Transfusion and even the Nasty Surprise to freeze, so I wondered : what is the best freezing grenade in the game (in terms of freezing chance) ?
Hmm that’s a good question, elemental effect chance isn’t listed on grenades, but I’d suggest either transfusion or singularity grenades because they both hit multiple enemies, choose one based on whether you prefer healing or CC. On Wilhelm in particular, I’d recommend singularities, he’s already very tanky and second winds aren’t hard to come by, singularities can even help with SWs by positioning enemies where you want them.
Vladof Cryo, without question.
Singularities are pretty nice, but they are pretty situational imo. And I get bad results with the Transfusion, but with Cold War, Singularities “specially the Quasar or the classic Cryo Singularity” are really great.
The problem is if I get Cold War, I have to abandon Escalation, and Escalation is an awesome skill, so I don’t know … thanks for the answer btw
@khimerakiller I already use one (Longbow Cryo), but I saw people using the Nasty Surprise, so I thought the Cryo wasn’t the best one, thanks for the answer !
Eh I don’t use Cold War either, it’s a great idea but I prefer the Taser as my freezer, I don’t CW or grenades consistent enough.
I too actually, I use the Fridgia/Excalibastard, Escalation is so much better with Kaneda’s Laser
Oh, I didn’t knew that, I never played Jack, thanks for the info