On the way up to Captain Flint in the first part of the game, Claptrap says “So, I might have tried to stage a mutiny on Captain Flynt’s ship before the flash-freeze. Which explains why his men are currently beating the crap out of me. Right, guys?”
As far as I can tell, there has been no mention anywhere else in the game about a flash freeze besides this one line from clappy. So what do we think was the intention of this? I think it’s just probably a side effect of jack’s eridium drilling changing the planet’s climate and was indicated somewhere but got thrown out or just not used… The line still rubs me the wrong way that we don’t hear about it literally anywhere else.
A large complaint about bl1 was the lack of map variety everything was just brown. So in bl2 that was a point made loud early on that the environments were going to be more diverse.
The flash freeze was a way to explain that quickly so it made some sense why all the brown was now much more.
It might of been a side effect of the drilling I’m not sure if they explained that or not.
Since the Pre-Sequel takes place before BL 2, and since the guns there had the cryo element… Maybe that technology went haywire when they introduced it on Pandora. And maybe that’s why there are no cryo guns in BL 2.
And to the best of my knowledge there still hasn’t been given a full account of the fall of New Haven- combine all this together and you have a great prequeal for setting up BL3…
In one of the tapes at WEP Jack says something like “the vault didn’t make all this eridium come out of the ground for nothing”, and when you arrive at Eridium Blight Mordy suggest the place has changed (but was always a craphole) after Jack arrived. This may suggest a geological or climate change event. There are locations in BL1 that suggest expansive river systems once existed and had dried up before tha vault, and from memory, the vault location in BL1 was snowy as well, before the opening. Seems like it is plausible to suggest Pandora has extreme climate cycles, but was also impacted by the opening of the vault and subsequent mining operations.
“The reason why Cryo guns aren’t on Pandora is because of the frozen methane the require in order to fire. Marcus hopes to one day bring this technology to Pandora.”
Pre-Sequel loading screen tip - explains it pretty clearly. The technology going haywire is a nice idea though.
For some reason it never occurred to me that opening the vault in the first place could have that effect, not just jack’s mining. I still would have liked direct confirmation that the climate changing is due to eridium popping up though
I also would like to know more about the effect of Eridium on the planet itself. There’s a lot of things like the Clappy line you mentioned that hint at it things going on, but I would like direct confirmation of the events. Maybe a hitchikers guide to Pandora.
I like the idea of this. Sir Hammerlock’s field guide seems destined to remain an unfinished niche product, but if he returns in a quest-giving capacity in BL3 we could gradually unlock a more coherent lore while in his service.
With any luck, he might even inadvertently create a new raid or two for us the way he did with Terry.
Maybe he could contact Moria Brown to get some hints on having the player’s character help get material for a resource book- ‘The Vault Hunter/Dweller’s Guide to the Universe’