im using:
Shock CC X7 OP8
Slagga - for slagging only
Pimpernel’s OP8 both Corrosive and Shock depens on the situation
those are my main weapons.
im using Antagonist OP6 - Storm Front op3 - Legendary Anarchist COM lvl 70 and OP6 Shock relic
i was trying to get my self a Blockade / Evolution Shield so i tried to solo some raid bosses(Without pre stacking!) and found my damage too weak :<
i wonder … ? is Gaige possible Solo Raid bosses?
does my build is only for mobbing?
should i try diffrent weapons?
Weapons i tried:
Lyuda - really like it . tried to farm one but got no luck !
Veruc / Emperor - nice weapons but the Shock CC does better job so i dont find the need for them.
Kitten / Bone Shredder / The BITCH - nice smg’s with low damage - again i can use the Shock CC instead so no need for those
This is the build for my OP8 Gaige, who has taken down Pyro Pete, Terra, Hyperious and Vora. Main weapon is a N.E. Redundant Fibber with ricochet barrel. Other weapons are the DPUH, GN and Casual Swordsplosion. I use Antagonist, Blockade and an Inflammable FotF (although for Vora I used an Alkaline Bee) with the Sheriff’s Badge as a relic and a L. Anarchist as the com. If you feel the need to prestack do a few loot train runs or the Barroom Brawl. She can totally handle raid bosses-as with anyone, it’s a matter of gear, skill, luck and practice…
Soloing raids typically demands a specific build that you wouldn’t use on the rest of Pandora, and you’ll likely need powerful gear to bring it off. These fights are 4 player difficulty after all; doing them alone is tough and requires special preparation.
I haven’t run an LBT tree Gaige since before the Oct 2015 patch so her shock skills may be up to those challenges now. The big difference is the Redundant Fibber- multiplying the unlisted damage by x2 (and then throw on a Bee with 400+ Anarchy stacks) really pumps the old DPS If you don’t have that mission available anymore maybe you could trade for a shock version. I’ve tried out the Hail with her to good effect- a shock version should help you out if you want that…
As far as your build goes- if you’re still going for an LBT based build I’d suggest taking Evil Enchantress- at 5/5 it increase your damage from elemental effects by 30%- using a L. Catalyst will also boost that damage (indeed, a L. Catalyst should bump all of the skills in the LBT tree you spec into, making it the best choice for a shock build…).
i tried the catalyst com and it failed me hard.
IO is useless
EE only proc when u kill something
more pep with more then 3/4 points is useless as well
and you only get 1/2 skills worth from that com
amd most important is that the Team element damage is useless stat -its not a raw 50% more shock damage for example. im not sure how the formula work but its useless
now if you compared it to the anarchist com you lose so many good things from the Anarchist com
first you lose the option to do fast stacks which is very important
you lose Meylin and Unstoppable Force which both Amazing and good for survive
you also lose the meele damage for DT , believe it or not its very strong to have that on DT
and the anarchist com gives you gun damage
Sadly this is how raiding works, mobbing specs will almost never qualify for raiding. Don’t be afraid to stray away from the norm though, experimentation will help increase your own skills and you may find great combinations that you’d never considered before.
If you’re just beginning your raiding campaign I’d suggest starting with the Son of Crawmerax (rematch, not story fight) and moving onto Pete, they’re the “entry level” raids, though that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily easy. While Hyperius is probably the most commonly killed raid in terms of speed kills and differing strategies, he’s certainly not easy and even a straight kill (no gimmicks) can be tough to pull off. Gaige killing raids without pre-stacking is rare and very difficult, though not impossible or unheard of. Start on some of the easier guys and work your way up to everyone’s favourite and apparently most hated Hyperion Engineer!
He can certainly be one of the longer fights, he has a lot of health, but his attack patterns are predictable and avoidable. When he’s in flamethrower phase walk (I jump) backwards and kite him around in a big circle, keeping yourself at a safe distance while trashing his face. When he fires his globs of elemental crap, jump-strafe and you’ll avoid the blast radius. The hardest part for me is deciding what to do with the adds that spawn when you hit the valves after novas, to kill or to kite. I generally save an action skill for those moments, though it depends on the toon and the spec.
This build will support both the L. Catalyst as well as the L. Anarchist. EE + EB + WDT = lots of elemental damage. EE may be a kill skill (as is Unstoppable Force) but its strength is in combining it with EB and WDT- separately not so much but together they shine (and using a shock BotA will help too). With the exception of EE all the skills boosted by the L. Catalyst are in effect so long as you are doing damage, not just getting kills so I think you would get more than just 1-2 skills out of it. If it’s strictly about doing elemental damage (specifically shock), then the L. Catalyst should be the best option. If you want Gaige do do more straight up damage, despite a focus on elemental weapons, then the L. Anarchist would be better. And I agree- DT can definitely hold his own at OP8 so I don’t mind him being as strong as possible, although I take it you want Gaige to be the main damage dealer here. The main difference between this build and the others is that I bypass The Better Half for Cooking Up Trouble- I tend to favor shotguns (the Blockhead and Jakobs especially) and pistols on Gaige, and as most shotguns have small magazines I get less use out of TBH- this is mainly a personal preferences (this same preference also applies to Fancy Mathematics over UF).
As much as I like ADS with just about any weapon I hate doing it with the Sand Hawk. With the exception of Maya (because of her Cat/L. Cat class mods) and Zero (because B0re) I don’t Beehawk- the ADS puts you at too great a risk for taking FFL damage IMO…
guess i need to retest the catalyst.
i made some tests with Pete
and if i pre stack 250 stacks
use OP8 Bee shield
and Shock Fibber
i can take Pete down pretty fast!
thing is - i usually die b4 i manage to kill him - but hes HP is very low
so im trying to figure out which COM will work better
also - trying to figure out which weapons can compete with the Fibber - i tried using the Sandhawk and it was VERY WEAK compared to the fibber! :OO
now - the trick is!
for normal mobbing the build works great -
you take your Blockade and use the Catalyst COM!
use any weapon u want bec ause things gonna die fast!
i prefer the SHOCK CC / Pimpernels for that job
now lets say i want to solo Pete ?
first i switch back to Anarchist COM and get myself 250 Stacks!
then b4 i enter Pete place
i switch my shield to an OP8 Bee - if u manage to get one with fire resistance that would be awesome - my bee is OP8 without any ressitance
when u get ur BEE / 250 Stacks - u then take the Redunant Shock Fibber with you
b4 u summon pete - summon the ammo boxes -
summon DT to tank him and then Summon pete
Kite him and actviate the water pipes smart and you will kill him pretty fast
im very proud !! haha
now i need to find a way to kill Hyperious !! never fought this guy!
Congrats! Great to see you got your build to something you like and that works for you A quick tip on Hyperious- stand behind the drain pipe that’s just to the left of the doorway when you shoot him to start the fight; you’ll avoid his opening novas that way. Group up the bots with a singularity and try to hit them while Hyperious is close to them- that should help Close Enough do some damage. You’re going to want DT on a fast cool down to provide aggro relief from Hyperious- also, a Grog will really help you survive thru the novas so you might want to pack one for the fight.
@hattieinduni- not really. The thing is Dahl’s gimmick aren’t applied when in FFL, so having my main weapon be useless in that situation is not something I enjoy, which is why I tend to not use Dahl weapons in general, and the Sand Hawk only for specific raid bosses or Peak encounters…
I can wreck Pete with mine (but it’s Pete, c’mon), everyone else is kind of hard or I haven’t done it yet. I also refuse to use a Fleet or anything like that.