Id like some thoughts on what to do

Ok I just finished my second playthrough and haven’t beaten the destroyer but now everything has scaled to my level and I’m at level 54. The gear I currently have is around 50 but not over including my shield which Im running a health regeneration one. I am playing gunslinger Mordecai and just need some input where to get better quality gear. Would checking the chests around New Haven and saving and quitting be a option or is there another good idea?

Chests can hook you up with great gear. Check all the chests around where Patricia Tannis is. Warp to Sledge’s Safehouse, then exit and hit the red chest there. Just keep killing enemies and hitting chests. The gear will happen.

[quote=“samuraith, post:1, topic:1547345”]
Would checking the chests around New Haven and saving and quitting be a option[/quote]

No. You can do better elsewhere.

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I suggest running the Crimson Fastness. I’ve never done it myself since I had DLC content to run off to, but I’ve never heard of those chests being nerfed.

Do you have any DLC?

The fortunate thing for you is that because the scaling is linear, gear that’s a few levels lower than your level wont be noticeably ineffective as happened with the erratic scaling in BL2. I’d say just play on, kill mobs and open chests and complete side quests, legendaries drop so frequently in BL1 that you almost don’t need to farm, you’ll get many before hitting level cap just from general play.


Yeah I have game of the year edition, so I have them all.

Don’t forget to check all Marcus’s Vending Machine, because at your level you’ll often find Legendaries in !
You could just Fast Travel to each ones and check them all, everytime they offer new stuff !!

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Well in that case…

I thought we had the Ideal Playthrough thread pinned around here, but you can look that up and see what people have figured is the favored route to go from there. Since you have everything in PT2 EXCEPT General Knoxx’s campaign scaled to you, I’d advise going through the DLC3(Knoxx) main story as quickly as possible and scaling that to your level. Don’t do a lot of side quests that reward uniques until you’re max level if you want their level 68 versions. Going into DLC3 a bit overleveled is ok since Lancemen put up a pretty good fight, and it’s good to ease into fighting them. OR YOU CAN GO HAM AND MELEE EVERYBODY TO DEATH.

But yeah, go through DLC3 and scale it before it gets boring(way overleveled, way boring), and then do DLC 1(zombos!) and 4(robits!) whenever you want.
DLC2(Moxxi’s) you can do whenever too, but it’s easier to do when you have as many skillpoints as possible and higher quality gear. I like saving it for last as a final test for my builds, etc.

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Yeah I’m going with pistols/revolvers and snipers as preference, I did start some of the quests in it but I’ll focus on getting right to the general and the armory. Which is what I want anyway, thanks for all the advice.

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Just got me 2 legendaries off a white chest!! A equalizer and a Firehawk!! I just ran over One eyed Jack to get me a better Madjack revolver and saw the white chest figured, why not, then that just happened, awesome, just wanted to share, guess I can’t even underestimate even those chests as well.


Crimson Fastness is a quality place to farm because a very high quality chest can be quickly reached. It is the one nearest the lockers in the room Claptrap unlocks. The lockers themselves can spawn high quality items, so they are always worth opening during a farming run. Each run will have 1-2 lower quality red chests nearby (occasionally there is a chest in the room the Crimson Lance are in, and there is always a second red chest in the room Claptrap unlocks). Guarding all this is just 3 Crimson Lance and 1 Turret, making each run very fast and quite safe considering the quality of the gear that tends to come out of that red chest. Once you get used to it each farming run takes no more than 2 minutes at most.

I do not recommend farming all of Crimson Fastness - for the extra 2-3 low quality red chests there are far too many Crimson Lance to kill, and their loot is pretty poor on average.