Immunity to Electricute damage and Deadlift fight

I picked up a shield that says “Immunity to Electrocute damage” to fight Deadlift. He shot me with his electric beam and I took damage (Shield and health) anyway. I thought immunity means taking no damage (of the specified type) - can someone clarify?

Immunity means you don’t take damage from the Damage Over Time (DoT) of an elemental attack. The impact damage still hurts you.


As @ACNAero said. Elemental weapons can deal two types of damage. There’s the actual hit (eg shock, fire) and then a chance to proc damage over time (electrocute, burn). Same thing with corrosive and cryo, although I’m not sure off the top of my head what the relevant terms are. Explosive is just explosive though.

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Try using the Kala on Deadlift. iirc, you can stand on the floor with the electrical charge in place and it does nothing but charge your shield. Granted, the shock orbs Deadlift shoots will do damage. But as long as the Damage isn’t enough to take out your health and shield it will bounce your shield back to full very quickly, but you’ll notice a hit to your health bar.

But you can shoot those down before they hit you if you have a decent fire rate SMG or shotgun.

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I never tried. Good to know, thanks. :+1: