Should I skip side missions?

I just started and I’m wondering if I should save the (unique) side missions for later or does it matter? In BL2 I saved side missions for later so the reward would be better - does it matter here?

It’s pretty much the same design as BL2. So, in this case, it’s similar and beneficial to wait and get the reward at that play throughs level cap. Personally, I only hold off doing side missions in UVHM so I get the level 70 rewards.

Ok but Im in Normal mode now, so does he same apply there?

in normal mode I would do the side missions that would yield the better gear/weapons to help me along the story. Getting a Fridgia early on is helpful. In normal mode, I would be doing side missions to help me with XP. leveling up sooner is always on my agenda. Once you beat the first play through, you can farm a bit at level 30, as that would be the first play through’s level cap. In TVHM, the cap would be level 50. UVHM is still capped at 50 unless you have the Holodome. you can hit the cap of 60. and with the Claptastic Voyage DLC, you can reach max level cap of 70. If you don’t have the Holodome or the Claptastic DLC, you’ll be stuck at level 50.

Oh, thanks for that - so basically I don’t need to worry about not doing side missions in Normal mode - just go ahead and do them, it sounds like.

I would for the XP. There are “other” methods of leveling yourself when the time is right in the story line. For example, you could finish the story line and then head back to Varugo Solitude and pick up the mission “Guardian Hunter”. You can farm the Guardians for XP solo until the xp is next to nothing. Move on to TVHM at that point. Also, another quick XP trick is to repeat the opening scene with the story line. Start the new play through(In UVHM only). make it to Jack and accept the reward of that white rarity shield he provides. Save/Quit and reset your play through. This trick only works in UVHM as you have to be able to reset your play through. I have done that trick when I wanted to boost myself to level cap during my UVHM play through with Athena.

Edit: The Guardian Hunter Mission reward is a nice shield. It works great in TVHM. I would pick that up if you plan to head back for a little XP. you would end up getting the shield at level 30. That shield shoots homing asteriods to melee attackers, iirc.

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There aren’t nearly as many great unique mission rewards in TPS, but for normal mode I’d just breeze through, trying to take the missions that run parallel with the main story so you can complete them without having to go too far out of your way. The Borderlands wiki should have a list of all unique gear and what mission they’re rewarded from, perhaps wait until you finish TVHM then go back and complete missions for specific weapons before stating UVHM. If you don’t mind playing through UVHM twice, I complete missions as I go and reset once I hit max so all missions scale to my level and I can begin farming proper. The above suggestions for quick leveling are great but tedious, it’s all preference at the end of the day how you level up so long as you get to that magical number.

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as @Kurtdawg13 says, the XP gained per kill drops like a rock after Level 50, so I try to do every side I can (also as @Slif_One says try to combine them as you go through the maps, that way there is a lot less backtracking), to gain as much XP as possible.

Varugo Solitude and pick up the mission “Guardian Hunter”.

I use this mission to power level both myself and others and it does give good XP

Hmmm, may have to farm this some, but I do hate to complete that mission because it is also a very very good place to complete a lot of BAR Challenges

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That and the Felicity mission with the infinite spawn when you have to let the turrets kill the Scavs were where I completed the appropriate BAR challenges to get the platinum, my BAR was 40k by the time the first DLC dropped lol :confused:


I wouldn’t bother at end game level cap 70. It doesn’t hold up as well in UVHM. I did find it performed well in TVHM. After level 50 it falls off a bit. I liked it so much that when I did try it out at level 70 I was disappointed.

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