Favorite non redtext weapons?

just so i can get a good idea what purple rarity weapons to keep an eye out for whats your fav non redtext gear?

pistols- vladof anarchists
shotguns- hyperion thinkings
smgs - hyperion storm
assault rifles- dahl minigun
snipers - vladof horrowshow, jakobs muckmuck
shields- adaptives
grenades- bouncing bettys

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Ravager (Torgue shotguns) are good. Casual Ravager is my favourite.

I like Vladof slag Spikers…

Torgue Spitters have nothing on the Ogre but they’re solid weapons. I also like Vladof ARs but they’re bullet hoses.

Grenades - I like bandit bouncing betties, and Transfusions.

I have an OP8 Siren who only does non red-letter, when I’m back on bl2 I can get her out and give some more egs of what I’ve found works.

Practicable Face Time in fire, shock, or corrosive. I have an obscene enthusiasm for that gun.


Adding on to the list (which would be a lot longer for me if I included lower level useful stuff too, like Spike Shields, Mirv Grenades with a small radius, and Rocketeers)

Slag Singularity Grenades

Hyperion and Maliwan Plasma Casters

Coach Guns and Quads

Droog Sniper Rifles


I love Bandit plasma casters too… Especially Slag

I’m a big fan of Dahl anacondas, Hyperion face times, Bandit ratataters, and pretty much any rifle with a minigun barrel.

Thanks to my friends, I can’t help but giggle whenever i find a home security.


Jakobs Quads, Muckamuck, Diaiub, Longriders
Torgue Slappers, Ravager and Torpedos
Maliwan Sniders and matching Barrel SMG
Tediore Ace, Subcompact MG
Bandit smigs
Vladof Anarchists
Hyperion Thinking and Development

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I love Plasma Casters.

Maliwan: Snipers and SMGs
Hyperion: Shotguns / Jakobs: Quads
Vladof: Pistols (Anarchist)
Rocket Launchers: Torgue (Durp)
Grenades: Tesla (everything but rubberized)
Assault Rifles - Vladof

  • Jakobs Coach Gun
  • Jakobs Quad
  • Jakobs Longrider
  • Jakobs Gatling Gun
  • Jakobs Muckamuck
  • Jakobs Iron
  • Slag Transfusion
  • Turtle Shields
  • Tediore Shields

Shotgun: Jakobs Coach gun
Pistol: Vladof Anarchist
AR: Dahl Minigun/Jakobs Gatling
SMG: Bandit Smig
Launcher: Vladof Topneaa
Sniper rifle: Maliwan Snider
Grenades: Hyperion singularities
Shields: Anshin Adaptive

… favourite doesn’t necessarily means good gear though.

One of my favourite sniper rifles are blue-rarity, bolt-action <damage_acc_prefix> Muckamucks.


Shotguns are my favorite weapons in the game. Love any Hyperion shotguns. Same with Jakobs really. Ravagers and Hulks for Torgue and Room Cleaners and Oberkills for Bandit. Tediore on the other hand…meh.

Pistols, love the look of Jakobs Widow Makers. Quite powerful too. Fire or Corrosive Dahl Repeaters (with Dahl barrel for extra burst). Hyperion Synergy (Vladof barrel) pistols are fun too.

Assault Rifles, Jakobs Gatling guns are great. Same with Dahl mini guns.

Snipers, Maliwan Sniders probably are first with Jakobs Muckamucks and Diaubs tied for 2nd. Honorable mention to Dahl Scouts and Maliwan Rakhells.

For SMGs, I don’t really dislike any of them but not many standout. Dahl Plasma Casters are my favorite. Regular Dahl SMGs, anything with an element and a Dahl stock. Tediore SMGs with 1.0 reload times and an elenment (can’t remember their name right now) are great fun with Axton.

Launches, if I had to pick one it’d be Topneaa or any Bandit launcher. Honestly though I don’t use launchers that often.

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Pistols: Dahl-barreled Repeaters
Shotguns: Ravagers
SMGs: Smigs
Assault Rifles: Minigun
Snipers: Muckamucks
Shields: Tediore Speedy Shields
Launchers: Some purple Bandit one with a Maliwan barrel and the rocket speed accessory
Grenades: A tie betweem Slag Transfusions and Slag Bouncing Betties
Relics: Can’t remember the name, but the one that grants extra health and extra ammo

@Adabiviak, I remember you saying you use a normal amp shield - what level?

The normal amp shield (like all my shields) is level 80; the only exception to this is The Bee, which I use at level 68 though because I think that high, unlimited damage like this should come at a higher cost. Specifically, this puts the damage at about half that of the regular amp shield, and it’s insanely fragile. If I’m going to raid or have a go at higher stages of Digistruct Peak, I have a level 80 one in the bank.

I find the regular amp shield way more fun to use because I like to work around the timing of the shield drain and intermittent amp availability. If I wanted a permanent damage buff like the Bee provides, I’d play an OP level or two lower.


Does this include other legendaries, like the Negoenator?

SR- Chikamin Muckamuck
Pistol- Vladof Anarchist
Grenade- homing fire burst or Teslas
Shotgun- Jakobs with Rustlers, Coach or Longrider prefix or Torgue Hulk/Ravagers
SMG- any plasma casters
AR- E-tech
Rarely use rocket launchers so Topnea as a default…

[quote=“hattieinduni, post:16, topic:1546659”]Does this include other legendaries, like the Negoenator?[/quote]Oh yeah. The Neogenator (and Evolution for that matter) are great for shrugging off elemental damage, but they’re otherwise very soft, even with several levels of OP buff. They can handle, what, maybe three shots from the weakest little white pistol from the local Marauder? Even Gaige, with Unstoppable Force, Fancy Mathematics, and Blood Soaked Shields on deck, has to be careful when trying to tank with it. Maybe mine are soft - I always look for the best elemental resistance.

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True, now I look at it closely. I’ve been using an OP3 one for the health tank but the shield goes down in a few spiderant gestures.

Jakobs Quad,
Hyperion Development,
Jakobs Muckamuck,
Jakobs Iron,
Dahl Carbine,
Dahl Minigun,
Dahl sniper rifles,
Anshin shields,
Hyperion sniper rifles,
Tesla grenades,
Singularity grenades.

Probably skipped on something though.