Luck cannon with luneshine effect?

Not sure, is it possible to get a luneshine effect on this pistol?

I don’t think you can get luneshine on any unique? Maybe someone else can either confirm, or provide evidence to the contrary. I’ve never seen it, anyway. (The Lunshine effect uses the second weapon accessory slot which, IIUC, is also the one used to add the unique weapon effect.)

Yer, pretty strange, I know legendries can, that’s as far as I can go with knowledge :slight_smile:

Some unique can have luneshine The Machine, Boomacorn but iirc legendaries from Claptastic Voyage dlc can not have luneshine.

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any source to confirm this?

Unfortunately I can not give You link because I use phone.

Ah, np. Evidence is always needed, otherwise its speculation. FYI, not offending you as I’ve realised on the forums people take things the wrong way when you ask for evidence :(. Thank you for your post :slight_smile:

OK that makes sense (believe it or not!) Glitch weapons certainly can’t have Luneshine, so it would make sense to leave it off oranges as well.

So I’ll try to explain it as I understand. If you want luck canon whit luneshine you must use grider. So you need 2 any dlc legendaries and purpule pistol + moonstone grind but you can not do that.


Thank you tech, much appreciated. :slight_smile:

No cv legends can plop out of a grinder from a luneshine grind, any cv legends with luneshine are illegitimate.

CV legends can be ground just not luneshine ground.

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ty hoyle: :slight_smile: would be awesome though if it was in the game, luck cannons having the ability to ignore enemy shields (30%) chance :slight_smile:

Luneshine on hail?

I dont think the hail was ever grindable being a unique coming from an iwajira drop, unless the patch that made the boomicorn and jack o cannon grindable somehow made the hail grindable too, @khimerakiller.

Pretty positive u cant get a luneshine hail.

Source: I made three top gear threads, all of which have been fairly heavily scrutinized for typos, that indicate that the hail cannot have luneshine.

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Its not that we don’t have evidence or are “super against giving evidence” its that we’ve spent several months compiling evidence on these forums that its kind of awkward when we also need to add a screenshot or whatever to support a claim when were just offering our knowledge to someone who needs it from said experience compiling evidence. Its like asking @Derch to put up a video every time he offers advice to tweak a Maya build.


You can grind Hails. All the blue uniques are grindable; some of them were even before the patch that made it possible to get blue uniques form the grinder. The only things you can’t grind are mission items (eg Winged Nova Shield for a Janey quest, the cryo weapon from Rocket Science, and a few others)

hey hoyle, I appreciate that. Its just, some people (like me,) may not know exactly where this months of evidence is on the forums. If a link is provided for it, it helps a lot in establishing the evidence :). As for derch, if he tweaks a maya build, that’s fine. If he says the reason I’m tweaking x is because of x, and doesn’t provide any evidence, its useless information. I apologise again if you were offended by my comments :frowning:

Time Trials: The Pre-Sequel

What can have luneshine

  • All main game legendaries (except the Excalibastard and Longnail)
  • Any normal white, green, blue, or purple rarity gun
  • The Marek’s Mouth (it’s unique luneshine only)
  • The Ol’ Painful, Boomacorn, The Machine, and Jack-o’-Cannon

What can not have luneshine

  • Any DLC legendary
  • Any DLC unique
  • Any shift exclusive gun (I.E Fast Talker, Company Man, ect…)
  • Any glitch rarity gun
  • The Excalibastard and Longnail
  • Any main game unique (except the Marek’s Mouth, Ol’ Painful, Boomacorn, Jack-o’-Cannon, and The Machine)

*If I am wrong or anything changes feel free to tell me

  • Updated: 3/21/16

  • Although some people say they have been unable to obtain a Marek’s Mouth with it’s unique luneshine. Some say that they remember in the past that it was obtainable, and that some patch probably screwed it up. Since the community was split I decided to leave it as obtainable for my time trials. As I trusted both sides, I gave the gun the benefit of the doubt, and odds were no one would use it for a speed kill.

  • All I have is the reputation I’ve built on the forums to suggest these are facts. So take it as you will.

To my knowledge the only uniques you can get from the grinder are the Boomacorn, Jack-O-Cannon, Ol’ Painful, and The Machine. Hence why they are the only uniques that can have luneshine. I have never seen any other unique in the grinder.

Here’s my evidence for those 4:
Hotfix shift reward world drops: Confirmed Grind-able and able to spawn w/ luneshine

And as a sample size anyone can look through the Item finds of the day to see if anyone posted a picture to disprove me.
Item Finds of the Day


much appreciated khim :slight_smile:


I said you could put them in. I made no promises about what you get out! :wink:

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