Fake bee, missing parts? not seen in bahroos guide

I think this may be a fake? I didn’t see anything in bahroos video which matched this spawn, thought this would be a good topic for the community for awareness. He mentioned 3 parts for a shield, this looks as though its missing the body on the left, battery looks legit on the bottom and capacitor at the top, maybe some pros could comment… the tediore at the end of the video looks similar but I think the body and capacitor are both at the top for tediore?

Interesting…I haven’t seen a Bee with out the Amp accessory attached. That being said, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s fake. But I do question it, just because I have normally seen the amp accessory/part…

@Hoyle4 might be able to shed some light on this? Maybe… :blush:

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If I remember correctly theres a shield body that isnt visible (Pretty sure its the Tediore Body). So that shield as far as I can remember is prefectly legal, seems to have a Tediore Body, Torgue Capacitor, and Either a Maliwan or Pangolin Battery (they both look like shovels).

Edit: Apparently the Bee has a locked Body, so while this bee has a tediore body torgue cap and mali battery, a legal bee can only have a Torgue body, making this illegal.


Much appreciated Hoyle! :acmaffirmative:

It’s true that a Tediore body has no visible part however, The Bee can only legitimately spawn with a Torgue body making the one in question a fake.

some are saying legit, some are not. I wish molmf or derch was here :frowning:

@Hoyle4’s opinion is good enough for me.
As much as I respect Derch and Molmf’s input, Hoyle is the shield expert here.

Besides, when you hack the game, you usually do so to get a GOOD combination of parts, and this one is just OK.


Im none too versed in bl2 legends but if thats true than the parts I labled were indeed the correct parts, just in an illegal combination, like seeing a sham with all anshin parts. My mistake saying it was legal in that case, but its not “missing parts” as was the premise.

I think hoyle just retracted his statement. That’s fair enough chuck, personally I got a real soft spot for molmf and derch, so when they say something, my hearts at rest :slight_smile:

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May I ask where you got this bee?

Also the stats on this shield for the fire shock corrosive are a bit lower. They have the best rate. delay and amp of any other bee ive seen, including the one which molmf uses. As I didn’t see him using this one I questioned it as I know he only uses actual in game gear, how he got it is a different story, cough cough, lol.

Thats because fire and corrosive use the maliwan capacitor and not the torgue, entirely different stats, maliwan parts have a higher amp damage better delay and recharge but worse capacity iirc.

I have the fire, shock and corrosive of the same spawn, the stats are a little different, slightly better then this one. I was looking for the blast to complete a set. The ones I got, some rando dropped :slight_smile: I have another set, the one fiber uses, 6.16 delay, the blast is 6.44 as I know when it has the blast prefix, even with same parts it wont be the same as fire, shock, corrosive. Randos causing confusion lol!, not cool though as this stuff affects me. I got a chain lightning off a friend with 1968504, saw a fiber video of him using a 1968503, so I sold it, I just love this game a lot you know, like many and hate having fake gear.

Rando as in random player? If so, then it’s more than likely been Gibbed because you can use that program on Xbox & PS3 saves.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: 3rd party software talk

Here’s the variant chart for The Bee from the wiki. As you can see every single example has the locked Torgue body. Any Bee shield lacking this part/with an alternate part (in this case Tediore) is illegitimate.


Hey ben, yer I checked that too. The only thing is, wiki is not very reliable. For example, there chain lighting at op8 is listed at: 1968502. I’ve seen joltz farm a 1968503, same as fiber. BTW do you know what the max stat for the chain lighting is? I know there’s a thread on the forums but cant seem to find it.

This thread?

Most gear guides are easily found in the stickied Lootology thread in this sub-category.

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thank you kitty :wink:

Just because I make videos doens’t make me a bigger expert than people like @Hoyle4 or @Chuck80 they both know a lot more than me in areas of the game.

I don’t know the answer on this one, the shield looks like its missing a part but that stats don’t look out of line. I would defer to others that know shield parts and stats better.