My Quests are giving the wrong rewards. Help?

Today, I jumped on Borderlands 2 for Xbox 360, and continued playing on my True Vault Hunter Mode Axton, and for some reason the rewards have changed for all my quests. The item rewards and money rewards are the same, but the xp rewards changed. Earlier, the xp rewards for some quests was around 15000, but now, the same quests are worth around 2000 - 5000 xp. I double checked, exited the game and came back, turned off my xbox and turned it back on, went into normal mode and back into true vault hunter mode, and they still have the wrong xp rewards. I tried completing a quest, and it gave the rewards displayed, except the xp was what was displayed. 2000. Is it because I downloaded the Season Pass and Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 this morning? Please can someone help. Thanks.

Help me paint a clearer picture here- how are you turning in quests twice in TVHM with the same character? Since you can’t reset TVHM, I can’t see how you can get fewer XP on a mission that can only be done once (unless you’re talking about something like the Barroom Brawl in the Mr Tourgue dlc).

In both NVHM and TVHM, the XP you get for a quest depends on the level the quest is when you accept it. There’s a range set for each quest (sometimes a single level, sometimes a min/max), and most of them do not scale with character level with some exceptions in Caustic Caverns, Lynchwood, The Dust. You’ll see this reflected when you save/quit/restart if you check the “Unknown” (ie not accepted missions) available in your mission log.

Doing a quest underlevelled nets you more XP, just as killing an enemy who’s 2 or more levels above you does. Similarly, completing a mission while overlevelled nets you less XP, since it obviously would have been easier. The season pass and UVHM packs would not affect this behaviour.


gotta ask the same question? though you may be referring to the repeatable tier 3 missions in Torgues DLC or the BadAss Round in Magic Slaughter in Tina’s DLC

bacically as VaultHunter101 says, or more simply, as your toons level raises, the XP per kill or mission goes down.
it’s especially noticeable if you were power leveled a bit , say for example from L 20 to L55, the the 1500 XP you would get for a level 25 kill, would only be 500XP at level 55, same example applies to any missions
Also Note that at Level 50 in Both BL 2 and TPS, XP takes a nose dive

No, that should not affect it, IMO

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Let me guess, you are trying to level yourself in Bar Brawl, on TVHM, and now you’re lvl 50 or above, and still in TVHM.

edit: @LunaticOne has mentioned it. Once youre lvl50, XP takes a free fall in normal and TVHM. You should enter UVHM as soon as you can.


Thanks, I can understand whats happening now, and I know why the rewards seemed to be “broken.”