Any Harmony + Motion Builds?

Besides Spunky’s old Nurse build, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone build Maya with these two trees. I understand that skipping reaper and ruin are big losses, but has anyone ever tried this to see how it fares?

Just for the sake of science. This and a Brawn + Rampage Sal are probably the only 2 new builds that could possibly be made at this point in the game.

I’ll give it a shot. I was just about to play Maya any ways.

I don’t think i’ve ever seen anyone ever do one either. Would be cool to see.


…just see how the points might be spent, or see them used in combat? I’ve toyed around with builds based around those two trees (but I’ve also toyed around with almost all builds).

edit - gave it a spin in a run through Three Horns Valley. Besides having to remember to manually slag with Phaselock, it was alright. I mean, I certainly missed Ruin, but Scorn was on the case.

I have gone down these two trees primarily when I was running support for groups doing Raid Bosses (or just a Gunzerker), mainly the Dragons, Vorac, and possibly Gee (for cowering behind the rock and keeping everyone else alive while they do the work). Other raid bosses I’d just get my beehawking/Cat setup going because they’re mainly health tanks. It’s been awhile since I’ve done it but my setup would be roughly

Those extra points in Recompense could go anywhere and the ones in Suspension could go into KR or Accelerate just as easily. Wreck doesn’t do a lot except against adds, as you can’t bubble a big boss and so it’s not active long. I might take it for the dragons as the green one spawns minions. I take a slagging gun hence Foresight and Flicker. You really can’t kill much at OP8 without Wreck and Reaper I’ve found, at least playing normally, I’m sure Adabiviak has found a way around that, or will, but it’s really, really hard. I remember running into a Mimic I think after a boss fight with this setup and I just couldn’t do any damage to it.

I’ve tried a Brawn based build with Sal- it’s called the Reverend Pain build if you want to take a quick look at it…

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Ah, I never really looked at the links so I thought your build was a brawn + gunlust.

In that case, only 1 to go.

I ran lynchwood with this kind of build. My only issue was forgetting I had to slag the thing in the bubble.