Chain Reboomtion: Sub-Sequence/Chain Reaction build

Since I first tried this out, I’ve continued to use and refine it. At this point, I’ve play tested it in all of the nastiest zones. Bloodshot Ramparts, Southpaw, the Beatdown, Lair of Infinite Agony, the Rustyards, WEP, and more. I’ve run the circles of slaughter, and breezed through my first try at an OP8 Peak run with it.

This is the current version of the skill distribution:

When it comes to gear, there are a few specifics that really make it go:
(Blue rarity) Blurred Trickster, +6 CR, ideally with +5 KR as the secondary
Big Boom Blaster + singularity grenades. I go with a Quasar or slag singularity.
Bone of the Ancients-- collect 'em all. Default is corrosive, if you don’t want to bother matching elements, or are using Jakobs weapons.

For guns, anything that plays well with CR works great, but Pimpernels and the Bekah are flat out superior choices. Tattlers, Slagga, Maggie, Practicable Face Time, Conference Call, Anarchist, Stinger… All fine choices.

As for play quirks, this one is much like other Trickster builds, except that it more often favors shooting right at the bubbled target to set off chains of SS and throw extra Ruin and Converge around. Since you have KR on board, it is pretty strong against many ranged attackers. It also turns into a booster-sprinkler when you catch a DoT. As a general rule, I’ve been keying in on controlling rushers-- Rabids, Ironclad Lunatics, suicide bombers, and so forth.

Singularities serve a few purposes here. Throwing one out to start puts enemies closer together, so Sub-Sequence hops are shorter. It also means that each instance of Converge pulls enemies closer for Helios and Cloudkill blanketing, which is actually effective damage. Third, and importantly, singularity stuns help buy time during cooldown.

Here’s video :smiling_imp:

Digistruct Peak clips:

Mobbing & missions:


Not seeing what’s so dumb. Is it supposed to be the play style that’s dumb?

Nah. Just using a COM to boost only one used skill. Can’t get Life Tap because of Sub-Sequence, and KR is ignored because… I didn’t want to farm a com with it :grin:

Oh, that’s it. Nice

What aspect of this build is new to you? (And if this is new to you and you dig it, try adding one point into Thoughtlock at the bottom of the Motion tree, and take that for a spin.) :thumbsup:

Sub-Sequence, which I generally avoid, in conjunction with 11/5 Chain Reaction and the madness that is Big Boom Blaster + Quasars.

Thought Lock is very familiar to me. I used TL to solo to OP8 :wink:

Have you tried Sub Sequence with 11/5 Chain Reaction and Thoughtlock? If not, you must.

If you’re new to Sub Sequence, here’s how I manage it to prevent the issue that vexes some players, since a “lost” Sub Sequence orb often burns a few extra seconds of combat time before the cooldown starts:

  • I try to reduce the space between my enemies before 'locking them. If they’re very close, the acquisition time is almost nonexistent. I will often throw a singularity grenade first, positioned to a) condense the mob a bit, b) pull any enemies hunkered down behind cover out (and in line-of-sight to my actual 'lock target so the oncoming Converge will then pull him into his buddies), and c) soften them up a little.
  • Ideally, I wait until someone in this slightly condensed mob is literally on the verge of death, such that Ruin will polish them off. Converge fires once, condensing the mob further, that enemy dies (so my kill skills are up), and Converge will fire almost immediately after, when it grabs the next nearest enemy. After a singularity grenade and two Converges, the mob is generally in a tight knot, and I can lay into them. This also makes it easier for Chain Reaction to connect with the enemy.
  • I got used to the sorts of barriers that confound the orb, and how to work around them. Sometimes the orb is quite good at getting around them, sometimes not (and singularity grenades are a great way to help). Ideally, the orb flies away of its own accord after the last man standing is dead.

Still getting used to barriers, trying to sort out which ones ‘catch’ it. The first two points I had a feel for right away, but those barriers… That may take a bit-- especially since this is on a second Maya, rather than being a main thing.

This is pretty similar to the build I normally run and similar to most Subsequence/Leg Binder setups, just with a different COM and shield. The main difference is that you are boosting CR and trying to get the most out of that with Subsequence. It’s an interesting idea, especially if it works. Are you using the BBB shield to keep spamming grenades that you then use to corral enemies to crush them with the pimp and CR?

Yes. Using them for grouping and to stun between cool downs of PL. it has been a ton of fun to tinker with. Got through an OP8 Peak run on the first go with it. Those big purple skags were tedious, but most things went very well.

This is hilarious.

Nice to see you’re still about HD! We haven’t scared you away :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, naaaaaahhhhh. I’m very BL-centric with my gaming, and I enjoy many people around here :blush: Not going away any time soon!


I’ve kind of settled on this as the main build on my other OP8 Maya, and have been using a Longbow Slag Singularity as my main grenade mod lately. Updated the original post with a 3 part Southpaw run.

Updated and added video.