Harry grog, cant see s***!

ok, basically I like playing sal, the thing with the harry grog, I get lag and really cant see s***. Its like I’m firing blindly and its just not fun. Now I’m working on something else, gonna try chucks deputy sal.

Does anyone else feel the same way with the harry grog? I love it don’t get me wrong but damn, that grog nozzle, purple all over my screen :frowning:

Your thoughts please, as it could just be me, its probably something I’m not gelling with.

No, it’s a common complaint, especially with builds where you hold down the trigger

Try replacing the grog with a Rubi
Or my Deputy Sal build :slight_smile: (where you don’t need to hold down the trigger)

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Much of the time, I use a Hard Harold, and only fire the Grog when I need to reapply slag. No need to spam it. That helps a lot with visibility. I also use Rustler’s Orphan Maker + slag Lady Fist for my second set, like this…


nice ;).

Wait- you can actually run past all the bad guys w/o fighting them? How come I never think of something like that?! :laughing:

When I feel super cheesy, I put on a com that boosts Incite, and take a hit on purpose :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: