I am starting to get back into the game after a long while and looking at my gear and bank and trying to remember all this stuff I forgot.
I have the Maliwan Allegience Relic which increases my Damage and Fire Rate and also have the Bone of the Ancients for them as well.
The Maliwan increases the damage by the same percentage that the Bone increases elemental damage.
Does the Maliwan relic increase both the bullet and dot damage of the gun or no?
Trying to figure out which would be superior with Maliwan weapons, pairing with the Allegiance Relic or to the Bone.
Edit: Reading up and evidently the Allegiance Relics are additive bonuses while the Bone of the Ancients is Multiplicative making the Bone still superior to the Allegiance Relic when it comes to Maliwan guns…
Yeah sadly BOA’s are kinda op and not much compares to them. Depending on your set up there are times where other relics are better but for the most part its the Bone, not only because elemental bonuses are multi, but cool down is usually a big deal.
Yeah, wondering why I kept it in my bank then. Sad thing about coming back after so long, you have no clue why you did half the stuff you did.
I actually reset my playthrough before I quit and am at the town with Sir Hammerlock a the start but I managed to already do Captain Scarlett and the Badass Crater. So have the whole story mode to go through again, lol.
I keep some of them because I like to use them in allegiance runs, I like to mix up gear every now and then. Sometimes what you find fun is more important than whats best.
Yeah, I guess. I understood why I had the Tediore one to play around with the Avenger and kill myself not paying attention. But not sure what the Maliwan was for unless I was trying to just pump the fire rate up for laughs.
If you intend to use elemental weapons anyway, bones are WAAAAYY better
But if you decide to use elemental weapons just so you can benefit from a bones, then it might not be worth it, as a multiplicative bonus is not any better than an additive bonus…if you have nothing else to multiply.
But that’s more of an exception than the norm… by and large, you should pick the bone
Since the Pimpernel was a Maliwan Sniper Rifle, was debating between using the relic or the bone.
If the relic had worked, would have been cool to use that and just change guns between elements and run with it while could switch to Maliwan SMGs when things got up close. Not having to change out the bone when I changed elements, just change the gun and go. Have a small increase in quality of life with out a real drop in damage other than not using the Sandhawk at times.
And I figure not using elemental weapons at endgame would be gimping you at this point given the state of non-elemental weapons.