72 docs twister
Op3 razrez lyuda corrosive
Op4 intense harold
Evisc grog nozz
Op4 lobbed storm front
72 alkaline hide of terra
Blood of ancient relic health/sniper/shotgun ammo
Op2 leg hunter/72 leg sniper com
Trying to get to op8. Op5 right now. I cant make my mind up on what com to go with or what relic would be best. I would farm a at lvl twister/hide. Im sure u know y i cant. What would you guys recommend?
Right off the cuff, I’d swap five points from Iron Hand to Grim, and five points from Precisi0n to Unf0rseen (just because with the Twister and Storm Front, I imagine you’ll be augmenting shock damage, and Unf0rseen is great like that). That said, like @Chuck80 asked… what’s happening here?
This is a hybrid. At 72 i mained 2 elemental lyudas switching between 1 and the twister for osok. A harold for ffyl and bladed grog to slag/heal/melee, Hide of terra works great when being swarmed in close quarters. Stormfront to stay above hg. Sniper ammo relic to spam lyuda crits/rising shot, tis y love constructors.
Screen shots are a little hard to read, links are much easier… That being said it looks like you’re going for a sniper/melee build. A L. Killer might work for you here as well if you move a few points around to put at least one each into Velocity and Two Fang…
I added fearless: it boosts your guns when your shields are depleted…which I assume you will consider to be a great situation anyway considering your shield. It also helps in FFYL
Consider adding a slag pimpernel with a blade to your loadout: It slags, It kills from a distance and it slices without changing weapon.
The best hybrid build I have seen was @dotanuki’s and he made heavy use of it.
also, since you don’t have MMF (so you are limited to one melee kill at a time), you should consider Grim as a survival tool.
As for your COM…there are no great COMs that work for Hybrid builds. I think the Hunter COM is a good choice given the circumstances.