Do you agree? maya is the most easiet and comfertable toon to play at op8

Hey everyone, wondering what people think. I honestly find maya extremely easy to play at op8. I use a cat com, sandhawks (no bee) hellfires, b*****s all with appropriate bones :slight_smile:

Its really not challenging at all, phaselock is just amazing with subsequence.

I really don’t feel like I’m playing op8 mode with her, anyone have the same experience?

I love watching molmf with zero, now that is seriously impressive, but when I see maya videos/builds its like, ehh, common you know its easy, your not impressing anyone.

All characters stress me out, sometimes in a good way, except my maya and sal.

Generally, yes. There are exceptions, depending on build. Without Thought Lock, the orc Dukes are nasty, and some Invincibles can be brutal. Trying to think of where other snags can be. There really aren’t many. Murderlin’s, of course.

She’s very, very strong for nearly all content.

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yer, I’m just speaking strictly solo op8 play, campaign, not raid bosses and stuff :frowning:

I’m not ashamed to say I cant solo a raid raid boss but am happy I can complete the main campaign on op8 without too many problems :slight_smile:

No shame in that, at all. Some of the Invincibles are easier than pieces of campaign content. 4 kings are harder than Pete or Hype, once you learn those fights. They’re about learning a kind of script, and just going through the steps. The campaigns and arenas actually require a lot more thinking on the fly. @Derch made a video at one point about how mobbing is generally harder than raiding, and I agree. Vora and the Dragons (for all but Sal) are exceptions, but I’d rate actual clears of places like WEP as more challenging to do without dying than Pete or Hype. Same with Hyperion (round 5), Murderlin’s, and successful Appetite badass round.

I wanna check out that derch video now, derch is the f*****g man! lol.


He’s a rare, genuine asset to the community. Definitely my favorite YouTube channel. Even on the very rare occasions where I don’t completely agree with an opinion he may offer, I always respect his process and reasoning.

True, the little trips through the Beatdown and Washburne on the way to Pete and Hype can be more dangerous than those two guys themselves. :wink: Especially the Beatdown where you can get like 8000 jackholes with elemental SMGs blasting at you while you just want to frickin’ run past them, heh.


Washburne always feels easy to me, but the Beatdown…

Oooooohhhhh, yeah. Those guys are d!ck$.

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He’s ok at best


This is one of those opinions I don’t agree with :wink:

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You guys are the gayest, most knowledgeable group on the Internet. I was stuck in the cold, dark abyss of Gamefaq before @Raven_Ghosthawk hauled my lost ass over here. More relevent though, i just started Maya and sadly have resorted to Beehawking. It’s amazing how much easier she is due to that easy slag than my Torguemando.

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One of these days, I’m going to move to XBone and work on pushing out videos to show why I rock out with Double Up + Gemini instead of Torguemando. Axton is such an efficient beast with free slag. I still slightly favor Maya, but Ax is a close second, and he’s easier for Peak runs.

I was able to get to OP 6 in Digistruct Peak with her using an Unforgiven, Maggie, Hydra, and Bekah before having to call in the calvary. Once I got to OP 8 I just got all my Jakobs equipment and started trucking again.

Maya is the MacGavyer of Borderlands in that she turn junk into a powerful weapon.

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Agreed. Still haven’t used any gun other than Bekah and Maggie on my 1-life run. Currently up to recruiting Brick. She’s my favorite for Jakobs, which is saying a lot. Axton tears @$$ with a Bekah.

I consider her one, if not the, best Vault Hunter with the usage of Jakobs with Mordecai and gags Nisha being in her league if not better. By that I mean universally and not excelling with just one branch of the companies weapon line.

If we add Timothy as a rival, I’d agree completely. He’s a monster with so many. Pepper box, Flayer (my favorite gun across all titles), Quad, Bushwhacked, Hammer Buster 2, Maggie, Diaub, etc.

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I got burnt out with TPS before I ever considered playing as him. I was lucky to even get to the level cap on Wilhelm and Athena which was a chore in upon itself for me.

Timmy is incredibly fun. If you ran up those two first, I totally get it. Wilhelm and Athena were my 2nd and 3rd 70s, and that fried me for awhile. When I go back, it’s almost always to run Timmy. I do occasionally go Flayer crazy with Wilhelm, but not as often.

Maya, like any character, is as easy as you make her. Give her a set of Pimpernels and a Norfleet and she may be even easier. Give her a white-rarity, underleveled Dahl repeater, and she will be less easy. I typically find the game way more enjoyable when I’ve got the difficulty dialed in just below what I can comfortably handle, so it’s a struggle without being a chore. Sometimes I make it harder, sometimes easier, depending on my mood, but you get the drift.

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Yes, what he said. If you go for a standard Bee, Sandhawk, Pimp and Norfleet, plus switch to a Grog Nozzle to get out of healthgate between Hawk bursts, Maya is going to have an easy time.

Personally, though I do make use of all those weapons, I find just playing the most effective, common or garden Maya to be a little dull. I prefer coming up with builds that are a bit crazier (and more challenging). Maya has a lot of creative potential.

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