So I am redoing a lvl 35 Nisha and I am using Chuck80’s Pewpew build but I am lacking he gear to be decent.
Where is the best place to farm for splitters? Or is the grinder better? Or is it all just pure RNG and I am just having horrible luck?
I have found lots of beams and blasters and rail guns but only ONE white splitter lol
Any help would be appreciated and and this point I am even willing to have someone take pity on me and throw me some hand me downs =(
I also am having a lousy time with turtle shields although I know any shield works fine but I like trying new things and i have never used turtle shields or splitters.
Yep. Quickest way to get one would be to vendor farm, or you can try the grinder if you have 3 green lasers to grind.
Turtle Shields are the same deal. They drop from anywhere. If you aren’t having luck with turtles, keep your eye out for a large capacity adaptive shield. They work fine as well.
“Different” would be a better term for the min min lighter. It’s a pretty good weapon, but the playstyle associated with it is very different. Not worth considering in this build