Help me pick a COM for my Zer0!

I have Legendary Killer, Hunter, Sniper , Ninja and finally Slayer of Terra class mods for Zer0.
The guns I use are an DPUH, Grog Nozzle, Smooth Sand Hawk (no element), and a slag Norfleet with the Parataxis prefix. Which COM would be good for me? ty

Hunter, hands down IMO. Get one w/ max cooldown reduction. The more often you can use Deception and throw Kunai, the more often Death Mark is applied, plus the slag chance.

Depends on your build and playstyle. Is your build focused on melee, sniping, shotguns, pistols or a hybrid? Care to share your build? Although with that weapon loadout, your guns are probably doing most of the work for you, anyway. Since you seem to be using mostly pistols and SMGs, I’d say go either Hunter or Killer. Blindly, I’d say the Legendary Hunter will probably offer you the best benefits, just for the extra survival and strategy opportunities provided by its passive bonuses. It’s a great “all-around” COM. Legendary Ninja is usually reserved for melee builds and stay the hell away from the Slayer of Terra. It sucks.


Can’t answer that without seeing the build

Default answer for me would be the Leg. KIller, but i’ll reserve my judgement for when I see where you put your points

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If you aren’t going melee and can consistently hit crits, Killer mod + matching Bone flavor.
If you are going melee, Ninja mod.

I personally carry both. I’m not saying the Hunter or Sniper are bad, but I don’t really use them.

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Like others, seeing your build will help as much or more than your weapons, I like the Leg Hunter COM a lot, as that 10% health gain and cool down boost have saved me numerous times is big firefights… However, coms need to be matched well to a build and play style so maybe you could give us more info on that. @Derch has some excellent basic Zero vids on YouTube and Man Of Low Moral Fiber has some advanced level gameplay with the Sniper and Ninja COMS on his channel

Aetherseraph, MOLMF, StrikerZidane, DSs and Coontail all have excelent channels dedicated to Zero

A killer, professional, and rogue are good general COMs. If you want to use those COMs only, the killer of the hunter I guess.