Hello everyone! So, I know that only Mordecai can trigger Ransack. My question is, will enemies killed by other players after Ransack is triggered drop extra loot as well, or only enemies killed by Mordecai himself?
That is a good question and I have no idea - should be easy enough to test though!
I’m actually trying to decide between Mordecai and Lilith for a co-op playthrough. Ransack sounded pretty fantastic after researching it and could be the deciding factor - that’s why I call upon the knowledge of BL1 experts!
If you’re going to do a full playthrough, starting at the beginning, Ransack won’t be as important. Where it really shines is at the end game, because the quality of the weapons/items it generates are directly tied to Mordy’s level. It would still be useful, just less so at low levels.
Yeah, I remember reading that when I was researching it. If we enjoy BL1 (only played it for a little while years ago, never really gave it a chance), we’ll most likely be doing end-game.