There are 68 points but you get 2 free points by finishing Moxxi’s DLC (twice or once?) So… if you manage to do that (good for you lol btw) are there a total of 70 points in this game?
With all the DLC and included level caps, you have a max level of 69, and start getting points at 5.
So with that you get 65 points.
But then Mad Moxxi’s and Robolution give you points for both playthroughs, so you can get 4 more from those for a grand total of… 69 points. Same as max level, which makes it sweet and simple.
Leveling: 65
Playthrough 1: 2(DLC2, DLC4)
Playthrough 2: 2(DLC2, DLC4)
Ok. There. I think I successfully over-explained that. Go me.
Haha jeez, I can sure math then lol. Thanks