Pyro Pete (Ultra OP8) dropping the Norfleet?

So I have been trying to farm a Norfleet for a few weeks, Vermi WILL NOT SPAWN, and Hyperius refuses to drop it. I have read that people have gotten it from Pyro Pete the Ultra Invincible. Can anyone confirm this? I am wondering if he is worth farming heavily, as I really don’t need much else from him.

Nope sorry. The only way to get the norfleet is from hyperious or vermi. Well you can trade to. The people who claim to get it from pete are either
A. Liars



Pardon me while I curse Gearbox in every language I know for removing the damn 4 player glitch.

All I want is a damn OP8 Norfleet! I haven’t had one since early UVHM, and it is horribly underpowered.

Go kill Hyper and hope for the best. Maybe RNG will bless you.

RNGs hate me by default, except for Pokemon Go (which I think wants to do nasty things to me) as I have levelled faster and farther than my friends who started playing a week before me.

I have spawned so many Ultimates (most of which disappeared), only 1 went to Vermi, which immediately disappeared into thin air.

I did enough Hyperius runs to max out Seraph crystals on my main character and 2 mules, and no Norfleet (Well over 100 times).

I have wasted literal DAYS of my life trying to get this, It is the most absolutely annoying part of this entire game.

Every time I open my game to the public they F my S up, they start/continue my quests without asking, kill my farms, etc. I tried again recently, happened again (as always), all I want to do is be able to play my game solo. I used to be able to do that, but they screwed that all up.

yep, noticed that of late when I have open games. Only “Farm” I ever set up is WEP and I make D__ sure that Docs orders isn’t picked up if I’m getting ready to run that area on an open game and after it’s set up that area is taboo on open games, if anyone heads there on an open game, then I close the game without even saving

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Who are you using to farm Hyperious? Sal makes it quick enough. I finally managed to get a fire OP8 Norfleet after 100 or so kills. And have had them drop repeatedly before OP8. Also if you have 2 controllers, that will help with Vermi. I bought a cheap plug in one from Wal-Mart for that reason. :slight_smile:


I always use 2 controllers, my mule “Papa Bear” always comes with me, his Hoarder mod helps.

I farm w/ my Zer0 tank, B0re kills Hyperius very quick. Fights RARELY last more than 5 minutes, usually about 2. My estimate based on how many seraph crystals I got is I farmed him AT LEAST 150 times (assuming I got 10 crystals per kill, I know one mule started with close to 500, the other with 0). I know there were quite a few times I killed him that the crystals were useless because I was full up.

It is an underrated thing hsving 2 controllers :slight_smile: Sals kills are 40 secs or less. I could do more, but he walks so slow in GZ mode. The time is for the GZ cooldown and walk back to gate. I dont bother checking the loot every time, mostly every 3rd. Sal and Maya are maxed crystals I think. But nothing to buy. Well a florentine I guess.

I’ve been trying to get Norfleet drops for at least a couple months, 2 or so sessions per week. The only one I’ve gotten is an OP8 slag Norfleet dropped by Hyperius. I’ve probably killed him > 300 times. I like that fight, but… Damn. Vermi… I’ve seen her spawn once in probably 30 hours of Caustic farming runs.

Thankfully, I’m stubborn.

The first Norfleet I ever got was a joke kill on Hyperius. Took my OP6 Maya into normal mode to finish off all the side missions for the achievement (I’d remembered I’d done everything except Hyperius and Gee on Normal mode)… went to get Hyperius, one shotted him, saw an orange-iconed RL drop, I said to myself “oh no…” and sure enough, a Norfleet (a shock one, and level 30 of course… again this was Normal mode). Facepalm! This was after countless hours in weeks past, trying to farm one up at-level. It did make for a nice treat to hand down to new characters though, once they hit level 30… it’s very OP at that stage of the game, ha.

I’ve only gotten Vermi to spawn once, in the Caustic Caverns in that kinda tight building area where billions of varkids spawn inside. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the Supreme Badass pod start growing and tried to keep cool as I fought Vermi around the twists of that building, but of course I screwed up and died and I respawned at the very beginning of the map because I hadn’t hit any of the other New-U stations along the way. Vermi, of course, vanished into thin air.


I do this also, mainly with any toon between 72 and OP 8, mainly to complete the BAR Challenge now (15 times per raid) for each Raid Boss the quickest, and if I didn’t know better, I would say the Drop rates are better in NVHM for a Norfleet. it seems like almost every time I do that (drop Hyperius 15 times), I find 1 or 2 low level norfleets.

of course at the level I want I can go 60 times and not have a single one drop

It depends on the gear and whatnot but both Salvador and Zer0 can kill him in seconds with the right gear, build, and whether or not you have been eating your mini-wheats.

Don’t be surprised if it takes several hundred kills just to get a Norfleet to drop and also do not be surprised if it is OP6-7 because, ya know, the game likes to troll farmers.

I had an all Maliwan shock Norfleet back in regular UVHM mode drop while farming crystals on Krieg for my Peacekeeper build (dropped after the 70-80th kill) and had it as a wall hanger for the longest time before tossing it onto Gaige to make her look pretty.

I’ve never gotten a Norfleet from Hyper and I’ve been killing that stingy boss for years.

One day he will drop it for me! shakes fist

Killing him isn’t the problem, and I an 100% certain that if I wasn’t on console (which has caps) I could kill him much quicker. I usually spend more time sorting through his loot than killing him.

Am I the only one who finds the lighting in his arena confusing? It makes greens look like pearls and health look like legendaries. Only in his arena, and a few other places around the BL2 world.

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Yup. That usually happens when the area is too bright and the ground is sand colored.

It is annoying. I wish there was a customizable filter to the HUD that would pop dots when item types you specify drop.


Nope, I hate it, makes it hard to tell whats dropped at a distance and even close in a few instances

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Something like this is a feature future Borderlands games desperately need. There are probably too many instances of people missing a rare drop because it was obscured by the environment or flew away (looking at you Iwajira). Really anything that makes searching dropped Legendaries (and other unique stuff) easier.

That said, I hate farming Hyperius. I’ve gotten a lot of Norfleets by now (except the Fire Norfleet I am looking for) but I get a headache from looking at the hundreds of drops thanks to that awful lighting >,<

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The lighting there and in the dragons all orange and whatnot! Idk where else. I need to hurry up and redo the game up to there again.

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