Legendary Siren mod farming guestion

I’ve been farming Tubbies for the past few days trying to get a Legendary Siren class mod but havent gotten one I have got a bunch of legendary nurse and binder mods though. Does anyone know if you can get a Legendary Siren mod from tubbies?

Unfortunately no, tubbies drop the legendary cat, binder and nurse coms but not the legendary siren com. Best bet for the Siren com is probably train, otherwise loot midgets.

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Thank you, but what do you mean by train?

3rd head hunter pack.

Ohhhh i get it now thank you


Vermivorous used to be the only drop source for these COM’s in the early days. Dunno if he has a higher chance of dropping one. But that suggestion didn’t really speed up the process, did it? :innocent:

Catch the train!

yep this (3rd HH pack Marcus Mercenary Day DLC train) or Loot midgets in WEP will be the fastest farms IMO

put more info in about “Catching the Train” as I envisioned people trying to catch the train elsewhere, especially if they’re on the 360 and don’t have that DLC

Nearly every Legendary Siren I’ve gotten came from Pete. He’s not that hard a farm for a Siren with a Sand Hawk and The Bee.

Farming midgets in WEP, Thousand Cuts, or Sawtooth Cauldron are other choices as they can drop the Legendary Siren COM.

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