Ancient Dragons Raid Boss - No Chance!

It took a few tries but I killed UVHM terramorphous solo and wanted to get some idea what I was up against with the dragons so I played them in TVHM. I’m level 72 with legendary weapons, Bee, etc and I still had a hard time killing them. I was honestly expecting to one-shot them but my weapons did surprisingly little damage. I’m not even going to try this on UVHM. There’s never anyone on PS3 to join me when I play to help anyway. What I don’t get is how people on youtube can kill them solo and make it look easy. GTFO. After going through the fight myself, they’ve got to be cheating. Example … My explosive fastball does enough damage to one hit kill slagged bad ass enemies but did pretty much nothing to the TVHM dragons.

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What character are you using?
The way we solo is is by having perfect gear and builds designed for the boss for starters.

It’s not hard just tedious.

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are you sure you were in TVHM? It seems impossible to me that you couldn’t damage them while being 20 levels higher: using a Bee you should be able to blow them up while hitting them to make them land.


As Blutfatal said, what gear are you using and what character? The build you use against one raid boss may have to be altered for another- not only that, the order in which you take down each dragon affects how hard the others might be. Trying to save Boost for last? Be aware that he can raise the other levels of the dragons. Healianth can not only devastate your shields and health with his shock breath but heal the other dragons when he lands- so is he the priority? In UVHM- and with any character- moving is key as trying to face tank the dragons will get you killed. Select one, bring him down with non-elemental attacks then start to work on him. Their basic tactics are the same as in normal/TVHM but because they can dish out so much more damage means you’re going to have to change your tactics against them, which means making a build and gear check first…

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and this

with the proper Gear on a level 72 (commando or zerker), I can normally take them down in 13 to 20 minutes and 5 to 9 minutes with an OP 8 in TVHM

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I can reliably kill them on OP6 always, 7 about 90% and OP8 is where its a hit or miss. Using Sal solo…

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Try chuck’s deputy sal build, it melts anything that has crit spots…

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Sal makes it repeatable/consistent after an initially tough feeling learning period. I’ve only tried about 3-4 times each with Ax and Maya. Axton seems like the easier of those two to get it with, but again, I’m not an expert on that fight with either of those two.

If you’re running it as Sal, I can write out how I do it, with specific tips to help.

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I can beat them quite easily at 72. If course, that’s with OP8 gear. I don’t have any 72 gear, save a couple COMs I can’t find OP8 versions of and don’t use anyway.

Going back to TVHM when I’m farming for Eridium, I one shot them with every character. I cannot see why you’d have trouble with them, so as others have said, you’ll need to share your build to get advice.

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Tried it as Axton a few times last night. I gave it a few looks to see how to navigate the start, mostly tinkering with offense vs defense. BeeHawk set up vs Blockade + Heartbreaker, etc. My two best starts were one with each set up, pulling Healeanth first each time. Got him to 20% or so each of those times. With this fight, I find that it gets easier very quickly as a Dragon dies, so getting that first one down is most of the battle. That is obviously tricky as just about anyone other than Sal, or possibly Zero (without pre-stacking).

This will probably be my next off-and-on project.

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This is my favourite raid. I usually use Axon but Ive done it with melee zero solo with a love thumper and grog at 72. Its hard to take them out on one landing so take out the green one first. Run around the edges as much as possible so they dont get a bead on you.

Ive done axton on op8. Its all about load out. dont use slag turrets. I used the DPUH with axton and you can get the heal with the dpuh grog swap. Its still 1-20 chance of success. Ive seen CA stackers take them out easily. Ironically, the best shield to use is a blockade. But since you dont have one, use a good turtle shield. A fastball axton should be able to do it better I imagine.

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I just use pimpernel/rl set up for most anything. Also done OP2 with axton. And OP2 with maya as well. Havent gotten gaige to 72, and zero is at 30 something. I dont bother with the dlc really before 72 anyway… ill look at what I used on axton and maya when I get out of work tonite. Also wanting a better Blockade :smile:

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My strategy involves bringing down Brood first, so to have some basilisks for second winds; kill order is Healianth, Incinerator, Brood and Boost. If I need more basilisks I call Brood down again.
I’ve not been able to kill them at OP8 yet, though.

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With Sal, I use Grog + DPUH as I assume most do. Neutral Evil Monk (+6 Money Shot, +5 Asbestos) to start, non-elemental Infinity to swap into main hand for two reasons. Sheriff’s Badge, Blockade (used an Evolution before I got the Blockade drop). Legendary Gunzerker to swap into.

  1. Pull Brood w/Infinity, swap to DPUH and activate Gunzerking. I try to use one basilisk for NKLO to speed up the Brood kill

  2. Once Brood is down, swap to Legendary Gunzerker and pull Healeanth with Infinity.

  3. After Healeanth, pull Incinerator, keeping Infinity in main hand to shoot basilisks for Grog healing while he’s invulnerable (don’t slag the basilisks), then unload on him when he opens his wings

  4. switch back to NE Monk to kill Boost

Very consistent that way.

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I use Deputy Sal on the Dragons, pulling them down with the ROM. Usually I go Boost> Healianth> Brood>Incinerator (really hate the idea of them gaining any levels…)

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