Welcome! This thread is for discussing tactics for dealing with different mobs, enemy types, maps, and bosses in UVHM. Please come on in and make yourself at home! Contribute below, and I’ll summarise here as we go. By all means feel free to post links to videos demonstrating specific tactics, but please also include a short written description, as well as a list of any gear essential to that particular tactic.
##Fast moving enemies:
NEVER try to escape by simply backing up; you can’t out-run them that way, and you’re very likely to get pinned.
- Jumping a lot helps, especially if you can keep hitting them while doing so (This is one time when bunny-hopping is actually useful rather than just annoying to other players!)
- Use grenades or shots to the legs to stagger your enemy, allowing you to get out of melee range
- Pin them down!
- Maya’s phaselock and Axton’s turret can keep them in place for bit.
- Singularity and Tesla grenades are also good for pulling them off you and slowing them down; if you have time, lay down the grenades ahead of the target(s) to they have to pass through the area of effect before they can get into melee range.
##Flying enemies:
The main types are Buzzards, Rakk, and Surveyors. Surveyors in particular can be tricky because they move quite fast; Buzzards are much slower, but can still pile on the hurt if you don’t take them out quickly. The following are tips I’ve picked up from various other players over the years:
- Use the terrain!
- Take a position against a wall or cliff, preferably with a slight over-hang; this forces the enemies to fly straight at you, making them easier targets to hit
- Action skills:
- Axton’s turret is obviously useful as both distraction and offensive fire, especially with Double Up to slag targets.
- Gaige’s Deathtrap shoots flying enemies with lightning bolts, even through walls and cliffs!
- Maya’s phaselock is obviously awesome. Never go up against a Buzzard, without a siren on the team!
- Weapon choices:
- Things always die faster with slag in UVHM. Try @Piemanlee’s suggestion of homing grenades against Buzzards if you don’t have a turret or phaselock to do the slagging. A Chain Lightning can be useful for the shielded ones too.
- Pistols: the Teapot and Hornet are good choices due to their burst fire mode when aiming down sights.
- SMGs: certain e-tech plasma casters are very effective when used with terrain to force enemies to fly straight at you, otherwise you will need to lead the targets to hit them. A corrosive Emporer can be very effective due its burst mode.
- Shotguns: favourite choices are the Conference Call and Butcher, due to the number of pellets and high fire rate.
- Flakker: @Blutfatal’s favourite shotgun is undoubtedly the most effective weapon against flying enemies, especially with an explosive build character. The downside is that this shotgun has a very steep learning curve: the projectile speed is slow, meaning you need to lead the target; it also has a fairly tight optimum range. If you want to master this gun, practice in NVHM or TVHM for a bit to get the aim and timing down.
##Ultimate Badass Pyre Threshers
Any Badass Pyre Thresher is bad news if you are unprepared and not expecting one, but the UVHM version is truly badass. One will always spawn during round 5 of the Creature Slaughter Dome, and in the upper-most portion of The Highlands when fetching Tannis’ lost echo. They also have a chance to spawn wherever there are threshers, though, such as Sawtooth Cauldron and Caustic Caverns.
@Adabiviak has a good tactical summary posted below. The only things I’d add to this are:
- Target the critical hit locations on the head (the eyes) first; save the joints on the tentacles for if you find yourself in FFYL (a high accuracy shotgun or SMG is good, although avoid fire versions for obvious reasons)
- It is possible to avoid the one for the Tannis lost echo by being fast and sneaky; alternatively, take cover inside the cabin and shoot from there.
- If your health is low when the UBP Thresher heads underground, run