Looking for ideas on a build that relies mostly on my AS doing most of the work. So I’m sure I need a Legendary Roboteer and a roid shield. Anything else I should consider? Is it even worth it?
While I have seen him wreck face at OP8, he hasn’t been nearly reliable enough at this (which is fine - it wouldn’t be UVHM if he could take care of everything for us) to be able to stand on for an entire run, which just means you’ll occasionally want to be able to back off and lurk while he recharges.
For offensive skills, I would spec into Robot Rampage and nothing else (possibly Make It Sparkle if you’re already at the bottom of that tree), and give him a Love Thumper shield. Get yourself to a safe distance, slag everything on the map, use singularity grenades to keep enemies within his damage radius, and the repeated novas from a Robot Rampage spin will tear things up. With +10 in 20% Cooler, a Bone of the Ancients relic, and the bonus from your COM, his cooldown is fairly quick. That said, keep your expectations about this in check; it’s going to be a rough ride: He’ll almost certainly need help with Dukino’s Mom, Saturn, Surveyors, and any Constructors you run across.
Unfortunately the melee bonus from the L. Roboteer go to Gaige, not DT, although a roid shield is still a good idea. Have you checked out the Gaige build thread yet there are a few that are DT centric…
Yeah, you may find her Legendary Mechromancer better if only for the buffs to Strength of Five Gorillas and 20% Cooler (the inherent cooldown bonus is nice too).