Unkempt Harold prefixes

I must have farmed Savage Lee for a few hours. I got like 15 Unkempt Harold’s and leveled up my Zer0 a couple times. But there’s a problem. None of these unkempt harolds had the double penetrating prefix. Does Savage lee drop the DPUH or just every other prefix?

But yeah he can drop it

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And… Even if it’s incredibly powerful with the DP-prefix, it’s still a badass gun. No matter which prefix it has.


No accessory/prefix is exclusive to a specific source. Gear itself might be but not what they come with.
So yes, it is all down to luck. Legendary Pistols always come with one out of seven possible accessories meaning you have a 1:7 chance of getting Double Penetrating whenever you find an Unkempt Harold.
For that reason it is much faster to get one from Torgue Vendors as the chance of getting UH there is higher than from Lee himself on top of being faster. Nonetheless, the choice is yours. I got a DPUH on OP8 with a Torgue Grip from Savage Lee as the first drop (the first time he dropped UH that is) so everything is possible.


I usually do my DPUH hunting in the Mr Torgue dlc- I can hit all 8 vendors in less than 10 minutes and still have time to kill either Badassasaurus Rex or do the Barroom Brawl for tokens, depending on where I start/finish. Even with a 20 minute timer I can usually hit each machine 3 times before enemies start to respawn, and if you’re still leveling up it’s a nice way to get in some XP grinding…


Thanks for all the replies! I appreciate it. Now I know I was just unlucky. How long does it take to get enough TORGUE tokens to buy an Unkempt Harold?

Depends on which game mode you do it in- in normal with level 72 gear it should go fairly quickly…:grin: